′To understand the evolution of tourism, we need to understand the changing environments of the tourism system′. Discuss.

Task: Length: Due: Further information: 30% Essay Topic to be addressed: ′To understand the evolution of tourism, we need to understand the changing environments of the tourism system′. Discuss. This essay directs you to explore the forces that have contributed along the way to contemporary tourism and to contemplate how environmental change might affect the future evolution of tourism. Please note that in your discussion of the toursm environment you can focus on either the physical environment, socio-cultural environment, legal and regulatory environmnent or the economic environment. 1600 words +/- 10% words (excluding references). Nothing will be read beyond this limit. Please specify word length (excluding references) at end of assignment. You are expected to refer to at least 7 academic refeences (books or academic journal articles) they do not include randon web sites which you are welcome to use but they are not (including wikapedia ) recognised as acadenmic references. 12.00pm Thursday 19 April 2018 Please hand a hard copy to your tutor in class and ensure you have submitted it on Turn It In See also Further information. Essay Format: See UTS: Business School Guide to Writing Assignments This essay directs you to explore the forces that have contributed to contemporary tourism. The focus of the essay should be modern history, from around the 1700s/Industrial Revolution to present times. In writing this essay you can focus on any one or a combination of environments. These include the technological, physical, economic, social, political, cultural and legal environments Minimum of 8 academic references. There are a number of academic tourism journal articles/books/book chapters which discuss the history of tourism. You may use your text book as one of the references but should not just replicate the text book chapter. Your essay needs to indicate that you have read more widely than Weaver and Lawton (2014). Some ″starter″ references will be found on UTS Online under Assignments.