In 150-200 words, provide a Buddhist critique of how you used Hindu philosophy to describe your own life.

Buddhism Essay (maximum 10 points)
The purpose of this writing assignment is to apply Buddhist philosophy to your own life. You should do this in no more than 800 words (about four properly formatted pages), addressing the following questions in this order:

I. In 150-200 words, provide a Buddhist critique of how you used Hindu philosophy to describe your own life.
II. In 250-300 words, address the following question: If, right here and right now, you fully embraced the idea of dependent co-origination (pratītya-samutpāda), how would that affect how you think of yourself and your accomplishments from this point forward?
III. In 250-300 words, address the following question: If, right here and right now, you fully accepted the idea of radical impermanence (anitya) and radical emptiness (anātman), how would that affect how you think of yourself and your accomplishments from this point forward?
IV. Very briefly—in 50-100 words—address the following question: Do you think you could fully embrace the ideas of pratītya-samutpāda, anātman, and anitya? Do you think you will?