1st Amendment to the US Constitution. What are the different clauses to the 1st Amendment? Give some historical background to each of the clauses—how did they come about and how have they changed over the years? What are some significant cases that have developed the 1st Amendment? What are some current issues that are affected by the 1st Amendment?

Business Law 210
Instructions: Write a six (6) page research paper on one of the topics listed below. In order to receive full credit, you must discuss each of the sub-topics that go along with the main subject. Please try to write in an informative factual manner, based on your research findings—I am not looking for a flowing editorial of your opinions on the subject matter.
You will be able to find most of the information you need to complete the task online, in the library or in a law library. Focus on academic journals, websites, informative and/or governmental websites for your research. Try to stay away from business or websites whose goal is to solicit business as they are geared towards sales rather than providing accurate information.
While I do not have a preferred format (e.g. AP style), I do expect that your paper is original. Quoting is ok, but I do not want you to cut and paste other people’s work—you must cite your quotes. I have a pretty good eye as to what a student in your position would write versus a law professor and/or attorney. Plagiarism will result in zero credit for the assignment, a F in the course, and I will report you to the dean’s office which may result in your expulsion.