A 20-year-old man visited the dentist because of throbbing pain in his lower jaw. Is this typical of caries? What should be done? What is the most likely diagnosis?

Case Study Analysis

The gastrointestinal system is divided into two areas of study. Clearly this division is arbitrary and is based more on current medical practice than on scientific principles. Dentists and orthorhinolaryngologists, who also treat the diseases of the salivary glands, treat diseases of the mouth. Gastroenterologists are concerned with the diseases involving the remainder of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and the pancreas. The surgical lesions of the esophagus are in the domain of thoracic surgeons, whereas general surgeons operate on the abdominal parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
Case #1:

-A 20-year-old man visited the dentist because of throbbing pain in his lower jaw. Is this typical of caries? What should be done? What is the most likely diagnosis?
-Response to the Case study Question of choice. (i.e. Is this typical of caries?, What should be done?, What is the most likely diagnosis?)

– Identification of Main Issues/Problems: Identify and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues/problems in the case study.

-Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems: Present an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues/problems based off the case.

-Recommendations on Effective Solutions/Strategies: You may include a diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments and well documented evidence; present a balanced and critical view; make an interpretation that is both reasonable and objective.
This assignment requires a min. of 500-750 word count (Excluding Title and Reference Page). The assignment should be typed and submitted on a MS Word Document, font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Calabria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced.