21ST Century Teaching and Learning

Assignment #1: Becoming a 21st Century Teacher

Begin your paper here. Double space the entire document. Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. Happy writing!  EVERY PAPER SHOULD HAVE AN INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION!!!  INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSIONS DO NOT GET THEIR OWN SUBHEADINGS.  YOU TYPE YOUR INTRODUCTION HERE AND YOUR CONCLUSION AT THE END OF YOUR PAPER.

21ST Century Teaching and Learning

Be sure to indent this paragraph.  Do not erase the bolded and centered subheading above (this is part of APA).  Instead, in this section, mastered performance is evidenced by including all of the following points: (1) a definition of the 21st century learner comparing how students use technology in their daily lives and schools, (2) a discussion on the role of the 21st century teacher in today’s classroom, (3) a description of the educational technology standards and skills required to in the 21st century (NETS-S and NETS-T).  Make sure to include APA citations from your book and other sources.

It would be clearest if each of the three points mentioned in the previous paragraph had their own separate paragraph.

Educational Technology Issues and Trends

Be sure to indent this paragraph.  Do not erase the bolded and centered subheading above (this is part of APA).  Instead, in this section, mastered performance is evidenced by including all of the following points: (1) a discussion of the educational technology issues and trends to include the 21st century technologies and their importance for teachers and students, (2) the research-based evidence for using technology to engage students with technology and (3) barriers to technology use in schools by teachers and students.  Make sure to include APA citations from your book and other sources.

It would be clearest if each of the three points mentioned in the previous paragraph had their own separate paragraph.

Teacher Implementation of Technology and Digital Identity

Be sure to indent this paragraph.  Do not erase the bolded and centered subheading above (this is part of APA).  Instead, in this section, Mastered performance is evidenced by including all of the following points: (1) a discussion on the ways teachers use technology in their work as educators, and (2) the pre-service teacher’s (your) personal attitudes and goals for using technology in today’s classroom and (3) a discussion with examples of how teachers can use 21st century technologies to teach 21st century skills to students.  Make sure to include APA citations from your book and other sources.

It would be clearest if each of the three points mentioned in the previous paragraph had their own separate paragraph.

Your CONCLUSION begins here (at the end of your paper with no subheading).  Be sure that is encapsulates your thoughts and wraps up the paper logically and coherently.

Your paper needs to be a well-developed paper that engages the reader and creates interest. Contains detailed background information. Thesis clearly states a significant and compelling position or belief. Conclusion effectively wraps up and goes beyond restating the thesis.




This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete this line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry.

Cleckley, B. (1997). Strategies for promoting pluralism in education and the workplace. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Lunsford, A. A. (2009). The everyday writer (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin‘s.





A book with one author could be formatted in any of the following ways:


In-Text Citation

Sample 1 According to Lunsford (2009), new writing spaces created by technology require the writer to focus on the audience and on the writing purpose more than ever before.


Sample 2 Writers today have many writing spaces created from new technologies that influence how writers approach a rhetorical situation (Lunsford, 2009).


Sample 3 Lunsford (2009) stated, ―Today, perhaps more than ever before, everyone can be a writer—every day‖ (p. vi).


Note: Page or paragraph numbers are always included with the in-text citation when direct quotations are used.


Reference Page Citation


Lunsford, A. A. (2009). The everyday writer (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin‘s.



A journal article could be formatted in any of the following ways:


In-Text Citation

Sample 1 Walker and Schutte (2004) believed that the five areas of team building were not inclusive of all the areas needing attention.


Sample 2 Not everyone agrees with the five areas of team building (Walker & Schutte, 2004).


Sample 3 According to Walker and Schutte (2004), ―Over time, perceptions of effectiveness and actual effectiveness can build on each other, because teams that are confident of success tend to experience success, which in turn sustains or increases perceptions of efficacy while also building general cohesiveness‖ (p. 188).


Reference Page Citation


Walker, J. S., & Schutte, K. M. (2004). Practice and process in wraparound teamwork. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 12(3), 182-192.