3.2 – Assignment: Case Analysis – On-Airport ARFF Response Time

Note to Students: Refer to 14 CFR Part 139.315 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – from the GPO U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Develop a case analysis on this topic:
If an airport falls below its required ARFF Index, the airlines have to be told to operate only those aircraft that fit the lower Index (i.e., if larger passenger planes are the critical aircraft, the Index would drop to the next largest plane which could seriously impact airline operation. Not to mention airlines may have to bring in the smaller aircraft if not in regular service already). The FAA also would have to be notified as well with a timetable of when the standard Index is restored. No loss of federal funding involved.

Read the discussion dialog and scenario between two managers:
• Airport Manager A says: “Wow, these ARFF trucks cost a ton of cash! We’ve never had a mishap at Possums Elbow Airport, and sure as heck don’t expect one. I don’t need to budget for or purchase all this stuff!”
• Airport Manager B says: “You are soooo right, buddy! I’ve never had a major crash at Foxxy Meadows Airport either, but that FAA guy says I don’t have a vote; we must keep our ARFF capability robust.”

Question: Who (if either) is correct and why? Should (and/or do) dollars dictate our response capability?

Read through the On-Airport ARFF Response Time Analysis for Case Analysis#1 (attached) to be familiar with a case analysis on this topic. You are to use that document for guidance only, as you should develop your own case analysis.
Refer to the Certified Federal Regulation (14 CFR Part 139.315), link is https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=1d9395ff600fb97d02fd3c17147cf748&mc=true&node=se14.3.139_1315&rgn=div8.
Read and review the sample/example provided on developing a case analysis on the Case Analysis Introduction page (attached).
In a 2-3 page paper, the equivalent of 550 words, please provide a case analysis for this ARFF scenario as follows:
• Review materials from the provided and outside sources regarding the case analysis
• Diagnose the case (identify the issue/problem, define the significance of the issue/problem)
• “Size-up” the case (determine the influence of the issue/problem, decide what was done well, and identify what could be improved)
• Provide recommendations (identify courses of action; what would you do differently?)
In your case analysis, include these elements:
• Summary
• Problem
• Significance of the problem
• Two alternative actions
• Two advantages and disadvantages per alternative action
• Recommendation

Please provide 3 references from Google Scholar