What were the 5 most shocking pieces of information from these articles to you as a future teacher?  In light of the fact that many districts are cutting geography altogether, make 5 well reasoned arguments why geography needs to be taught.

Question:  Describe 4 of the “thinking strategies of effective readers,” Zemelman and Daniels write about in Chapter 2.  How do these strategies apply to you as a student (now or when you were in middle/high school)?  How do you think these strategies might be taught to your future students?

Survey Reveals Geographic Illiteracy” (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/11/1120_021120_GeoRoperSurvey.html)


“US Students Are Really Bad at Geography” (https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/10/16/us-students-are-terrible-at-geography)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_pw8duzGUg (watch)


Question:  What were the 5 most shocking pieces of information from these articles to you as a future teacher?  In light of the fact that many districts are cutting geography altogether, make 5 well reasoned arguments why geography needs to be taught.