Information Security in our Health Care Systems

This what i have for the first two paragraphs. The purpose of the research conducted is to explain and clarify the fundamentals of the integration of information technological security in health care systems. Research conducted will identify whether steps taken in the past and for the future involving technological advances towards digital archiving personal information and publications was the correct thing to do or whether it was done to hastily. According to International Business Times (IBT) “Chinese hackers infiltrated a computer network linking hundreds of hospitals across the United States and stole the personal information of 4.5 million patients” (Stone, 2014). Infiltration into the health care system via computer has been on a rise since 2012 which was reported by Robert O’Harrow Jr of the Washington Post late 2012, during an interview O’Harrow received a response from a professional at John Hopkins University, “I have never seen an industry with more gaping security holes,” said Avi Rubin, a computer scientist and technical director of the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University” (O’Harrow, 2012). Early detection of the arising problem was identified but was with no avail responded to. Health care records in the United States are very extent in personal information, information that reveals characteristics about an individual dating back to his/her birth. Social Security numbers and even health care provider information is included in these records which can also contain payment information.