Investigate a question of recurring concern related to health and wellbeing. Form the question of recurring concern: What should be done about immunization.  Be sure this problem fits the criteria for a recurring concern (and is not primarily a technical problem.)

1. Investigate a question of recurring concern related to health and wellbeing.
Form the question of recurring concern: What should be done about immunization.
Be sure this problem fits the criteria for a recurring concern (and is not primarily a technical problem.) Criteria for recurring concerns include:

i. Complex problem related to health and wellbeing
ii. Difficult to solve
iii. Occurs from generation to generation
iv. Value-based
v. Multiple perspectives and contextual factors need to be considered in order to fully understand the problem
vi. May move toward a resolution resolved through reflective thought/action (but never solved once and for all)
vii. Solutions to address the concern may vary across generations

2. Research the recurring concern to order to further understand the nature or context of the recurring concern. find at least three professional resources of information that will help give insight into the problem. (This will not be a complete picture of the problem, but will give us snap-shot view
Resources used may include: professional journals/periodicals, internet resources, government organizations, etc.
3. Organize the ideas you’ve discovered from the professional resources by using either a multiple perspectives approach OR the ecological systems model OR life course model. Select 3 items perspectives from the list below in your assignment: different perspectives or ecological systems or the life course model.

i. Perspectives include:
a. Individual
b. Family
c. Health and Human Sciences organization or professional
d. Community/society
e. Global
ii. Ecological systems include:
a. Microsystem
b. Mesosystem
c. Exosystem
d. Macrosystem
e. Chronosystem
iii. Life Course Model includes:
a. Historical
b. Economical
c. Societal
d. Psychological
4. Write a 2 pages paper which helps us to understand the problem. The paper should include:
Recurring Concern:
(1) The recurring concern stated in the form of a “what should be” question:
(2) Explanation of why this is a problem of recurring concern (based on at least three criteria given above) AND how this relates to the group’s definition of health and wellbeing (indicate “what is missing” or “the gap” that indicates the situation you have described is a needs to be addressed). (1-2 paragraphs)

Alternative Perspectives (OR) Ecological Systems (OR) Life Course Model: Research organized into perspectives OR ecological systems OR life course model. You may choose to limit this to 4-5 bullets for each perspective or model. Be sure to include the citation (author, year) in your statement.