Human Resource Interview

I was privileged to have a one on one session with Ruby Sokwala, the executive Human Resource Manager at Microsoft foundation during the human resource summit in Colorado. In her not very new role of chief human resource manager, I shall be finding the ways of operation at the human resource department. Being an international figure working for a multinational company, it is not easy to organize and impromptu meeting with her and so I asked whether she can spare 30 minutes of her time to graciously provide response to a few Human Resource questions.

Q: What are the personal characteristics that make you a good HR executive?

R: Because human resource managers have to deal with personnel, they must be in possession of certain personal characteristics that are deemed necessary. One must speak about their interpersonal and leadership skills as well. Oral and written communication and presentation skills are most times hard to demonstrate. I possess the ability to demonstrate creativity and initiative in decision making through providing relevant examples in my ability to negotiate and talk.

Q: What are your hiring strategies? How do you find talent for Microsoft?

R: Lots of things could be said here. To begin with, we use tactics and strategies like displaying of skills at street level and during the interview before one is made part of the organization. I am usually in the panel of interview where I personally assess a particular candidate from their expression. We assess every candidate from their professional experience and education but on a higher level, we look at skill; what they would add to the company when they become part of us. Other traits such as integrity, initiative, determination, flexibility, honesty and openness are also preferred. Our interviews and selection process is not only revolving around attracting talent but also about creating a talented community of subordinates who share a common vision.

Q: What is the significant of employee training in an organization?

R: One of the major key functions of Human Resource is employee training. Because training is important, at Microsoft we have different training yet all for the same purpose. Training is significant in every organization because it familiarizes those working within the organization with the work culture, management and company policies. Training also strengthens team work and provides a more common vision to the business as a whole.  Other sessions of training act as ice-breaker to ensure employees feel comfortable in their working environment.

Q: What can you say about motivation?

R: Human resource managers are responsible for appraising performance and motivation as well as introducing necessary changes within the organization. However, motivation is not an easy task. I think it requires analytical thinking, initiative, interpersonal sensitivity, problem solving ability and independence. Training is one of the ways we use to improve on motivation. Conflict manager is also a way used in increasing employee motivation. For instance when conflict between the company and employees is solved analytically, it results to better motivation.

Q: How does collaboration with other departments within the company influence your role as the Executive Human Resource manager?

R: Human resource plays a higher role of coordinating decisions throughout the organization. Coordination requires the HR department to gather information and feedback from other department for optimal efficiency. When there is cooperation between departments, it is easy for the business to attain its targets. For instance, Human resource can cooperate with the accounting department to decide on salary matters. This way, employees will feel adequately rewarded as the company continues to remain faithfully optimally to its budget policies.

Q: How do you hire, train, and fire?

R: Being a multinational company, there are specific skills we look for like previous experience in technology companies, teamwork, technology skills among others. Training at Microsoft occurs three times a year for every department and firing is from inconsistency, not being loyal to the organization and betrayal

What I have learnt

Human resource has a lot of exciting opportunities. However, they must have certain characteristics to qualify for a HR position. Apart from hiring, HR departments also fire and plan for trainings which are aimed to make employees comfortable in their working environment. In playing their role, it is vital that the HR department cooperate with other departments for optimal success.