Consider that you are a Healthcare Informaticist. You have been asked to evaluate the current internal workflow and make a recommendation regarding the workflow, communications, protocol and architecture required in order to select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity.

Consider that you are a Healthcare Informaticist. You have been asked to evaluate the current internal
workflow and make a recommendation regarding the workflow, communications, protocol and
architecture required in order to select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical
department or other provider entity.

The project will be a paper 5 pages MAX. APA FORMAT. References should be easily accessible online, NO BOOKS or LOCKED journals.

1. Describe the “real” or hypothetical work environment, provider objectives and current
information systems configuration, as well as any unmet needs or issues.

2. Workflow Requirements. List or otherwise characterize the key workflows, protocols,
communications, etc., requirements to be met by the new or upgraded health information
system. Consider using SBAR

3. Architecture Alternatives. Describe and evaluate at least 3 workflow alternatives. Indicate pros,
cons and unresolved issues for each alternative. Give special attention to the effects of each
alternative on “human factor”, care pathways and protocols.

4. Provisional Recommendation based on analysis in #3. Given the admittedly incomplete
information available to you, what would you recommend as next steps? Options include doing
nothing, upgrading the current system, performing more analysis and modeling etc. Be specific
and indicate your rationales for each recommendation.
Much of the information required for this assignment is available from the Web and industry journals
(e.g., Modern Healthcare, Healthcare Informatics, Hospitals & Health Networks, etc) and your course