Transcendentalism/The Matrix

“The Power of the Minority”

Emerson and Thoreau’s essays regarding Transcendentalism, as well as the Matrix contain many unforeseen similarities. In both these works, there are significant takeaways referencing the ideas of self-reliance and individuality. The word minority exists in a negative context but nothing outweighs those who remain unique. By definition, the majority is stronger, but it takes a confident, self-reliant minority who can prevail against the odds to save society from conformity. The masses in our societies often have the might and power to influence situations that happen in our daily lives. However, complete reliance on the majority is detrimental to societal development. It requires a minority with both will and confidence to keep the people in check. They say, the strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.
Confidence enables the minority to withstand all the mistreatments directed at them in their support of the truth. Furthermore, self-reliance allows the minority to think and act without an external influence. They possess the ability of decision making. Martin Luther King Jr. and other minorities who initiated changes have influenced the world over the years. They had both confidence and self-reliance but most importantly, determination. First, this essay will prove that it was self-reliance that enabled Neo to conquer all of the agents. In addition, it examines how a confident and self-reliant minority is able to overcome the force of the majority.
In the plot of The Matrix, Neo goes on a journey through transcendentalism. Neo is overwhelmed at first, when stepping outside The Matrix, into reality. Morpheus had complete confidence that Neo was “the one” but it wasn’t until Neo believed that he could become the one. Neo lacked confidence and couldn’t see past his scope. He relied on his memory of the Matrix, rather than allowing himself explore the reality. Neo must prepare himself to take on the entire Matrix. In order to defeat the majority, Neo must build confidence in himself and separate his thoughts from those of the matrix. Neo depicted self-reliance as a value of transcendentalism by conquering the agents and free the humans from the matrix. As he encounters the matrix through the online platform, he gets contacted by Trinity, who takes him to Morpheus to tell him the truth. After learning the truth, Neo realizes he can change the situation by himself and takes a step forward to fight the agents. He believes in his prowess in virtual combat to free the humans and end the wars. When attacked in the Matrix, Neo gains confidence and uses his unmatched skills against the agents. Self-reliance in individuals who want to change the norms practiced by the majority remains the best strategy in modern society. Prevailing against all the odds, the minority needs to be self-reliant and charged against conformities. In his speech, Ralph Waldo Emerson calls Americans to self-reliance and stop depending on Europe for inspiration and imitation. He believes everyone in the society has abilities and knowledge for reforms. He also encourages all Americans to examine themselves, nature, and art then use them to solve the problems around them. Hence, the true spirit of transcendentalism in saving the society from conformity.
The majority have always been viewed as influential and powerful, however, the minority have power to change this belief. In transcendentalism beliefs, confidence is crucial in opposing the powerful and evil individuals. Agents hunted all humans who resisted conformity and consistency. Other than fearing the power of the majority, gaining confidence and being optimistic helps change the norms in the society. Ralph Waldo also calls Americans to confident since they possess limitless potential. Neo, one of the minorities in the movie, gains his confidence and fights agent Smith. The tank represents a character in Matrix. Although badly wounded he regains some energy and confidence for facing Cypher and later kills him. Also after Smith kills neo, Trinity remains back and helps revive his power to control Matrix. With confidence, it only takes a few individuals to win a battle against the majority.
Transcendentalism also relies on individualism and self-reliance. Emerson wrote about Self Reliance in the 1880’s and fastword to today, these theories are even more prevalent. These values aim at changing the society’s view on how one is supposed to live their life. It pushes one of of their comfort zone and towards creativity. Emerson emphasizes individualism as one of the major themes. Individualism means an act of freeing oneself from collective thinking. Everyone in the matrix has yet to free themselves from social norms. Morpheus, represents one of the individuals who is able to see beyond the matrix and resists the agents by recruiting several crew members who aim at breaking down that wall between reality and the matrix. Neo embraces individualism. Living as a hacker, he encounters several phrases of ‘The Matrix’ and attempts to know the truth which eventually pays off as he eventually frees humans from The Matrix.
We are constantly being influenced and persuaded to conform and those who resist are often looked down upon. As Emerson says, “For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure” (Emerson, Self Reliance, 14.) Society wants to put everyone into a box. The pressures to conform are all around us. Therefore, maintaining individuality can be a difficult task but a vital one. In life there are the masses of people who tend to follow the crowd, doing exactly what they are taught to do. The other group of people are the individual that strive to lead and be their own person. These individuals stand out and command the respect of society as they make their own path through life. These minorities ultimately have a better grasp of their identity and know exactly who they are. Meanwhile, the majority just gets lost in the herd. The individuals who make no apologies for who they are, end up becoming leaders to the majority. With a confident mindset, courage, and an overflowing sense of self reliance, there is nothing that a minority can not accomplish.