Qualitative and Quantitative research

ABSTRACt The abstract should concisely summarize the content of the paper. It should be no longer than one paragraph (approximately 75-100 words). INTRODUCTION Provide your reader with an overview of your topic: what you will review in the paper, what you hope to accomplish. The background of the issue (i.e., trends related to the problem, unresolved issues, concerns) should be identified with specific statement of the issue (i.e., basic difficulty, area of concern, felt need) included. The theoretical framework(s) referenced (i.e., theoretical concepts or relationships related to your problem) as well as the importance of your analysis (i.e., why is it important to be aware of this literature base) should be explained. LITERATURE REVIEW Your review of related literature must include an introduction of topics that will be discussed along with a review, critique, and summary of theory and research related to your topic (organized from general to specific). A summary of reviewed literature must be provided, noting areas of agreement and disagreement, strengths and weaknesses. Finally, include conclusions