Nelson Burtnick

Case Scenario Paper Guidelines and Topics




  1. Case Scenarios


          All of your research for this paper can be done on the Internet and using online resources available through the Utica College Library, especially Campus Research (the academic version of Westlaw), LexisNexis Academic, Business Source Premier and other UC library resources.


The process is fairly simple. I have listed more than 20 infamous cases, most of which are pretty recent. You will select your case (every individual will have a different case; more about the selection process later), conduct research about how the crime was committed and set forth the results of your research in as much detail as time allows. The rest of the paper will follow the format that is set forth below.


  1. Structure of the Paper


The case scenario paper for this course should follow the following components and structure:


Cover Page


o   A one-page (not more) summary of your paper

The Scenario (facts) of the Case

o   A detailed presentation of the facts of the case.

Statutory Law

o   A listing and description of federal laws that apply to your selected fraud or economic crime.

o   Do not include the actual text of the statutes unless they are brief.  Lengthy statutory provisions should be placed in an Appendix.

Regulatory Provisions

o   A listing and description of federal regulations, if any, that apply to your selected crime.

Legal Discussion and Analysis

o   A discussion of cases of how the facts of the case constituted the crime. In other words, what were the elements of the crime(s) charged and how did the conduct of the perpetrator(s) satisfy those elements.

Works Cited

o   A list of all sources you used in your research and writing.  This includes sources even though not cited in the text.

o   Although the preferred reference style for economic crime programs at Utica College is APA (American Psychological Association) Style, I will not mandate a particular style.  That said, whatever style you are used to using should be followed (for example, MLA, Chicago, Turabian) and you should be consistent.  Use in-text reference style for the text portion of your paper.  For materials obtained from online databases, the reference should be to the original work (for example, Wall Street Journal), not to the database (for example, Proquest).  Reference to Internet sources should be to the Internet web site.



  • Should include material too cumbersome to place within the text. You need not have an Appendix; it depends on whether you have material that, if included in the text itself, would make the reading too cumbersome and interrupt the flow of the paper.


  • The paper should be double-spaced (except for quoted material that is indented). The text portion of your paper should be a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 pages, exclusive of appendices, and depending on your font, no larger than 12 point for other than headings.


  1. List of Cases


You may select a case not on the list, but I need to approve your selection. Before the date you select I may add more cases to the list but here is the list of 20+ cases (arranged according to type of fraud) that you can select for your paper:


Insider Trading


  1. Raj Rajaratnam/Galleon Group
  2. Anthony Chiasson, Todd Newman, and Jesse Tortora (trading in Dell stock)
  3. Rajat Gupta
  4. Trent Martin/trading related to IBM acquisition of SPSS
  5. James Fleishman
  6. Scott London (KPMG)


Securities Fraud


  1. UBS Libor scandal
  2. Commonwealth Bankshares
  3. AmeriFirst Securities


Money Laundering


  1. HSBC (the 2012 charges)
  2. The Bank of New York (Benex Scandal)
  3. Nelson Burtnick (Pokerstars and Full Tilt Poker)
  4. Wachovia Bank (drug proceeds)


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


  1. Siemens AG
  2. Albert Jackson Stanley
  3. Lindsey Manufacturing Co.
  4. Eli Lilly & Co.
  5. Garth Peterson (Morgan Stanley)


Public Corruption/Honest Services Fraud


  1. Conrad Black (Hollinger International)
  2. Kwame Kilpatrick
  3. Randy “Duke” Cunningham


Ponzi Schemes


  1. Allen Sanford
  2. Thomas J. Petters
  3. Scott Rothstein
  4. Marc S. Dreier



III.    Selection Process


I don’t want to read 20+ papers that involve the same case. The reason

is rather simple; you don’t want to be the last one that I read!!  So, here is how we will run the case selection process.  Starting Wednesday, January  14, you can send me an e-mail through the Engage course site with your top three selections in priority order.  I will give preference to first-come, first-served.  By the next day (or as soon as you submit your request), I will send you a confirmation and inform each of you of your selected case.