Consider the group dynamics of your play group. In what ways have they changed since you began? Are certain players more invested or less invested? Have group members become more cohesive and cooperative or less as the exercise has progressed? Has your group hit any major hurdles or problems in making your groups function?

Consider the group dynamics of your play group. In what ways have they changed since you began? Are certain players more invested or less invested? Have group members become more cohesive and cooperative or less as the exercise has progressed? Has your group hit any major hurdles or problems in making your groups function?

For GMs, what have been your strategies for directing the game and keeping your group on task? Have you failed to do so in some ways, and what things could you have done or plan to do better in order to maintain direction of the group? For players, how has the process of playing the game gone? What types of interactions have your characters had with each other or with the events of the game so far? Do you feel that the cohesion of your group has grown or fractured as the game has gone on longer?

Now that many of the games are hitting their middle point, consider the function of a group overall. As the other discussion brings up, people generally communicate to achieve a goal in a group, so how has your group done that to succeed not just at the assignment, but in playing the games? Many of you mentioned that this is something wholly unfamiliar to you, so how have you worked to make this succeed, and why?

Finally, I’d like to know how your group is doing so far. I need this section to be able to better evaluate what groups are doing when I’m not able to see them participate and work in class. Are all members participating evenly? Are any not participating? Do any seem like they are intent on sandbagging or fighting against the group in terms of participation in the activity? Does anyone seem like they are a negative influence on the group? What about positive? Who is the most organized, most helpful, or most eager? These are all very important to me for evaluation purposes, so again, please be honest.