Monasticism – Many scholars have argued that monasticism is the living out of a utopian ideal. How is a “utopian” behavior, and to what degree is it also a form on countercultural living?

Papers will adhere to the following guidelines: • 12 point Times or Times New Roman font • Double-spaced body (i.e.: no extra space between paragraphs) • Begin the text of the entire paper at the left margin, indent paragraphs • 1 inch margin all the way around the page–No more, no less • No bullets, bold, or italics • Minimum word count for papers is 500 words • work must be original not submitted before. (paper will be submitted to SafeAssign tool to check for plagiarism) • must follow current MLA format • Well-developed introduction with a strong hook and a concise thesis statement • Essay is tightly controlled by the thesis without being formulaic • All parts of assignment are present; ideas from thesis are fully developed w/ major & • minor details that are very supportive and/or give strong sensory images; outside sources • (if used) support thesis • 20 Essay has an effective organizational pattern & smooth transitions Paper Needed: Many scholars have argued that monasticism is the living out of a utopian ideal. How is a “utopian” behavior, and to what degree is it also a form on counter-cultural living?