Business Analysis Modelling and Design

Prescription Fulfillment Process

Executive Summary

Prescription Fulfillment is one of the main sources of income for HealthCareOnDemand. For a small company such as HealthCareOnDemand, providing an efficient and cost-effective fulfillment of orders is essential in order to be competitive.

Recent customer complaints raised concerns
about the efficiency of such a process which may jeopardize the future of the company. This report
provides an analysis of the prescription fulfilment process and shows that such concerns are unfounded.


HealthCareOnDemand is a health-care company providing its customers with a variety of services and
products in the context of health care. In order to maintain its position as the best health-care company in Melbourne, it is essential to have effective and efficient processes.

This report investigates how prescription orders are fulfilled by HealthCareOnDemand and provides an
analysis of its process performance via the use of process simulation.

Governance Structure (attached)

The prescription fulfilment process is one of the core processes for HealthCareOnDemand. In following we
present the process architecture for HealthCareOnDemand. The core processes of the organization are the prescription fulfilment process, drugs procurement, medical certificate process, and the medical consultation process.

The company also have few management processes making the decision on market strategies and managing the IT infrastructure. Finally, support processes with cover HR, Logistics and Customer Support.

The value chain is constituted of five parts: (attached)

1. Receive order: dealing with steps ranging from receiving the order from the customer to record
the details of the order in the order management systems;
2. Verification: dealing with the retrieval and verification of the prescription;
3. Packaging: dealing with the preparation of the package to be sent to the customer;
4. Payment: dealing with invoicing the customer or the insurance company for the cost of the drugs;
5. Shipment: dealing with the delivery of the order.

Modelling Conventions

In order to provide an easy to read process model we adopted the following modelling conventions:

• XOR gateways were used when a mutually exclusive decision was required.
• AND gateways were used when multiple paths needed to be executed at the same time.
• Activities were used to model action performed by an actor.
• Start event was used to model the start of the process.
• End events were used to model the end of the process.
• Model flows from left to right, top to bottom.
• Events, Activities and MessageFlow text labelling adheres to the convention of the first letter
being capitalized with the following text lowercase.
• Activities were labelled following the format imperative verb + noun.
• Events were labelled following the format noun + past-participle verb.

BPMN Model (attached)

In the following, we provide a BPMN diagram depicting the prescription fulfilment process, when customer and insurance company have been modelled as a black box (collapsed pools) since their behaviour is not relevant for the purpose of this analysis.

Business Process Analysis (attached)

To assess if the concerns about the performance of the prescription fulfilment process were valid, we
performed an analysis of such process via process simulation. The simulation has been performed using the BIMP simulator using the process model shown previously. We simulated a total of 500 instances.

Since the company receives on average 500 orders a week, we used a fixed inter-arrival rate of 0.21 minutes (i.e.500 / (5*8*60) ≈ 0.21).

The resources considered for the simulation count four roles: Accounts Officer, Delivery Clerk, Pharmacist, Senior Warehouse Officer, Warehouse Officer, and Data Entry Officer. Below are reported the details related to the resource pools.


OVERVIEW: You are asked to critically review the report titled “Prescription Fulfillment Process”.

This report provides an analysis of the Prescription
Fulfillment Process of HealthCareOnDemand.
As part of this assignment you are expected to produce a short review (around 1000 words), which should cover the following points:

• Correctness of the Process Architecture: this section will provide a critique of the proposed process architecture assessing its management, support, and core processes. A correct process architecture must be provided if the original one is incorrect.

• Correctness of the Value Chain: this section will provide a critique of the proposed value chain. A
correct value chain must be provided if the original one is incorrect.

• Correctness of the BPMN Model: this section will provide a critique of the proposed BPMN with respect to syntactical and semantical correctness. A correct BPMN model must be provided if the original one is incorrect.

• Correctness of the Process Analysis: this section will discuss if the assumptions and results of the process analysis are correct. A correct process analysis must be conducted if the original one is incorrect or based on wrong assumptions.

Any additional diagram (e.g. process architecture, value chain, BPMN model, or BPMN model annotated with simulation parameters) produced as part of the critique must be handed-in with the submission.