Motivational Theories

Paper #1:  Motivation theory

In this paper you will explore the different aspects and variations in Motivation theory.  For this paper you need include the following to:

  • Briefly describe each motivation theory.
  • Select two motivation theories and then compare and contrast those theories.
  • Describe a situation where an improvement in motivation was needed and select a motivation theory which you believe would work best for that situation and why.  The situation can be from your present or previous work or even a personal setting if appropriate.

The paper will be scored on the following

  • Clear and concise description on each motivation theory (There are 5)
    • 30pts
  • Compare and contrast.  Accurately compare and contrast the features of two theories.
    • 20pts
  • Good description of situation and how the theory you selected would provide an improvement in motivation.
    • 20pt

Paper length: 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages).