How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?

The purpose of a research paper is to closely examine and explore a focused topic using a variety of expert sources. It is important that you develop a topic of interest, one that you naturally want to investigate. It is also important that you chose a topic that produces good sources of information; otherwise you do not have the makings of a good research paper. The keys to success in writing a research paper include mastering the ability to complete the following tasks:

Develop and refine a topic that is suitable for a five-ten page research paper. In order to have a suitable topic, you must be able to find a variety of sources on the topic. In general, you are required to have at least one of the textbook essays as a source. Other sources include scholarly websites, documentaries, and interviews. You are required to use five –ten credible sources that address your topic in a profound way (no dot com sites are allowed). For these reasons, topic development is a critical step in the research paper writing process. In order for a topic to be approved, you must submit a proposal along with at least two sources that will be used in the project. Be prepared to show and defend the specific material that will be used.
Addressing the topic in a disciplined and focused way with expert sources that specifically support your chosen topic. The topic cannot be too broad or too narrow. It must be one that can effectively be explored in five to seven typed pages. (Please do not be intimidated by the length requirements. If you write half page introductions and conclusions and dedicate a page for the coverage of each source, you will easily meet the length requirement.)
An important step in creating a good research paper is doing the preliminary work. This step includes obtaining good sources; reading about the subject; developing and stating the purpose of the paper; and creating a working outline. It is not uncommon to revise or adjust the topic along the way; this is a natural part of the editorial process.
It is also important that you are able to locate and use good resources. We will receive hands on training in the library in order to use the many outstanding services that are available. Remember, we will need books, periodicals, documentaries, and articles from credible sources. An important priority is to learn how to use library resources, not just “Google” for information, as no dot com sites are allowed!
Another important task is the need to gather, organize, and present information. We will review the correct format for obtaining and organizing relevant information in a systematic and organized way. See Formal Grading Rubric. Creating a Works Cited page and parenthetical documentation are also tasks that must be mastered and utilized. MLA GUIDELINES WILL BE USED
Writing the draft, revising the draft, preparing the final manuscript, and proofreading are the final important steps in the research paper writing process.

OBSERVATIONS: must provide a safe assign report;
must present a creative title;
no superficial information.