Identify budget planning steps, identify stages of the budget, preparing a budget for an agency or cost center, different types of budget, differentiate concepts of fixed, variable, and sunk costs, define direct and indirect costs concepts 17) Examine elements of cost accounting in a healthcare organization 18) Describe the elements of managed care and their impact on patient care

Capstone Blog #3



  1. Introduction/Overview

My first goal for this two week period was to converse with Professor Pearlman on a possible slight divergence of my Capstone Project. After attending my first mock code in the previous week, I became intrigued with the idea of providing some sort of education to non-ACLS certified nurses. I struggled with the idea; partly because it would be more work to change projects at this juncture, but mainly because it felt too ambitious. In “Motivation Theories and Improving Staff Morale”, the question is posed What motivates you to perform at your highest level?(Shake & Sroczynski, n.d.). After some introspection, I realized that I am at my best when I feel passionate and inspired. As an ACLS certified nurse, I felt compelled to help other nurses perform better during these mock codes, and ultimately, during real codes. The conversation with Professor Pearlman was a great success. She was very encouraging, and helped me brainstorm and hone my idea into a manageable project. Instead of a full on education session, I will be creating a Tip sheet for nurses.

My second goal was to create this Tip sheet. Currently, I have a rough sketch of a human body and the 6 roles of the code team in their positions surrounding it. Under each role, I have several bullet points highlighting responsibilities, as well as vital details to remember. Coupled with the in situ mock codes, I believe the Tip sheet contribute to a culture of quality improvement, which Roussel, Thomas and Harris (2016) say lead to “evidence based decision making” and “lower rates of staff turnover” (p. 255).

In order to evaluate the efficacy of the Tip sheet, I need to have a control group and an experimental group. I plan to give the experimental group the Tip sheet, and compare their scores against those of the control group. My third goal is to create an point based tool to evaluate nurse performance during mock codes. Currently, I have a point system to evaluate CPR and the Recorder duties. Shake and Sroczysnki argue that leaders and managers “need to foster stimulation through means such as continuing education and special projects” (n.d.). I believe this project accomplishes this goal.

  1. Challenges

My initial challenge was trimming the fat on my idea of providing additional mock code education to nurses. After speaking Professor Pearlman, the concept of a Tip sheet arose. The Tip sheet is the perfect medium through which education can be dispersed in a cost effective, time effective, and efficient manner. I was relieved that Professor Pearlman was able to realize my enthusiasm for this topic, and was very encouraging. I was expecting a more cautious response. Roussel, Thomas and Harris (2016) convey the need for nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and training (p.252). It is my hope that this project will enable nurses to tap into their full potential.

An additional challenge was effectively managing my time and priorities. When you work nights, it is extremely difficult to schedule and attend classes such as TCAR (trauma care after resuscitation) and/or ACLS recertification courses which typically are held during daytime hours. Both of these courses are required by my unit, and occurred on my few precious days off.

The last and biggest challenge is, quite frankly, being tired. I’ve been in school for what feels like ages, and have always worked, so I think things have been piling up on my plate slowly and I haven’t noticed how full my plate is. Work and school have been constants for some time now; having a toddler and a pregnant wife on top of work and school has taken a toll on me. Self-management is an emotional intelligence leadership competency, as described by Shake and Sroczynski (n.d.). Self-control and adaptability lie within self-management, and I plan to use these concepts to battle my fatigue. I plan to refrain from drinking coffee after 4pm on my days off and after 2am on nights I am working. I have stopped using any electronic device an hour before I go to bed. At some point, I hope to incorporate some exercise back into my life.

  1. Utilization of coaching/mentoring

My conversation with Professor Pearlman was a prime example of how to coach and mentor. Roussel, Harris and Thomas (2016) describe coaching as focusing on goals, whereas mentoring focuses more on the relationship (p.261). Professor Pearlman helped me stay focused on the overall goal by narrowing the scope of my idea from a full education session to a Tip sheet. She was also very encouraging and complimentary, which increased my confidence as well as enthusiasm for this project.

  1. Capstone project plan progress

I have nearly completed my Tip sheet, as well as my evaluation tool. There are two mock codes scheduled in the next few weeks. I will be able to implement both my Tip sheet, as well as my evaluation tool. Both contribute to the progress of my project as I will be able to glean data from them. This is the first time when I haven’t felt behind schedule this semester. I plan to utilize the motivational techniques discussed in Dr. Shake and Dr. Sroczynskis PowerPoints to help me stay focused and on schedule.

  1. Leadership lessons learned

Interacting with the nurses who participated in the mock codes was incredibly informative in terms of mentorship. My conversation with Professor Pearlman helped me realize how invaluable a leader and mentor can be. Moving forward, I plan to implement some of the strategies Roussel, Harris and Thomas (2016) provide to foster nursing mentorships; “be creative in communication to ensure ongoing interaction, evaluate progress periodically to maintain the right course, push boundaries and welcome new learning experiences, and be thankful for the caring and supportive feedback or praise” (p.263). I can incorporate all of these tenets when interacting with the nurses participating in the mock codes.

  1. Outcomes achieved

Over the past few weeks, I was able to successfully reorient the focus of my capstone project into a Tip sheet intervention for nurses participating in mock codes. I was able to create a Tip sheet, albeit with some fine tuning needed. Almost finished creating a point system to evaluate nurse performance during mock codes.