Surprised my son on a trip to Legoland for his Birthday (March 4th)

One assignment for this week is to write a Narration paper. The first thing to remember is that narration means telling about something that happened in the past. You need to include interesting details in chronological order, past tense verbs, and transitions that show the time order, like first, then, next, after that, and finally, as well as some longer transitions. You should try to include some good dialogue with correct punctuation . Last, you need a conclusion.

1. Be sure to write a topic sentence with a main idea that tells what your experience was, and also something interesting or specific about this experience.
2. Then tell the most important things about your experience. Be sure to use the past tense to talk about things that happened in the past.

– Making sure your story is in clear, logical order
Including a topic sentence to give readers an idea of what the story is about
– Using specific vocabulary and interesting details
Bringing your story to life with dialogue
– Using transitions to move smoothly from one point to another
– Writing a conclusion that ends the paper effectively.

– This paper must be at least 500 words, so be sure to check that before you submit it. It is OK to use a spell-checker and/or a dictionary if you have time.

TOPIC: Surprised my son on a trip to Legoland for his Birthday (March 4th)