
Choose one of the topics below.


For each topic, you are being asked to develop an original argument that draws on textual evidence as well as on your own cultural experiences—if relevant—for support.



  1. Discuss the author’s use of figurative language. Identify three examples of figurative language in the work.  Why did the author use these examples?  What impact does the figurative language have on characterization, description of setting, mood, foreshadowing, theme, or the poem overall?  In your essay, use a different example in each body paragraph.  Be sure to explain the significance of each use of figurative language.


  1. A character’s attempt to recapture the past is important in many plays, novels, and poems. Choose a poem we have studied in which a narrator or character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, sadness or longing. Show with clear evidence from the work how the character’s view of the past is used to develop a theme in the work


Pick ONE of the poems below.


  1. Robert Frost, “Acquainted with the Night”
  2. Robert Hayden, “Those Winter Sundays”
  3. Martín Espada, “Latin Night at the Pawnshop”
  4. Linda Pastan, “Marks”


Additional Instructions


Do not format the paper and if you do make it MLA. Do not create small paragraphs just for the sake of word count and space. Ill ask you to change it if I see any unnecessary paragraph with little to no information. Please quote the poem. I expect it to be 3 pages touching the bottom. I am not afraid to ask for changes. Please do you best work.


Thank You !