community research

Choose a County or town in NJ Approved Topic List: Choosing Your Field Project Topic with a Primary Prevention Focus Note: You may not log any work on your field project until you are enrolled in Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Field Experience/Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Clinical and have selected your topic. What is a Primary Prevention? The Community Health Nursing practicum requires a field project. The project focuses on primary prevention. Primary prevention is the prevention of disease, injury, disability or premature death before they occur. First Steps in Choosing a Field Project Topic First, consider what might be an issue of public health concern in your own community. The pertinent questions to consider are: • What is the biggest contributor to disease (morbidity) and premature death (mortality) in your community? • What are the controversial community health concerns discussed in your local newspaper? • What do you believe people in your community are most concerned about related to health? • What is generating the most visits to the emergency room or hospital admission in your community? • What do you believe is reducing the quality of life in your community? Possible Topic Areas to Choose for Field Project Access to Healthcare • access to mental health services • access to dental health services • access to health services Alcohol and Drug Use • responsible alcohol consumption • prevention of drug abuse, including – IV drug use – prescription drug use Child Health • prevention of neonatal mortality • prevention of unintentional childhood injuries, including: – sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) – poisoning – drowning – motor vehicle related (child safety seat and seat belt use) – sports related – pedestrian related • prevention of child abuse • promotion of vaccination Disabled • promotion of health and well-being, including – access to disability related services and devices, – limit barriers to participating in home, work, school, or community activities Disaster Preparedness • prevention of adverse health consequences caused by natural and human caused disasters HIV/AIDS • prevention of HIV/AIDS, including – sexual transmission – prenatal transmission – IV drug use transmission Oral Health • prevention of dental caries Overweight and Obesity • prevention of overweight and obesity through healthy nutrition and physical activity Physical Environment • promotion of healthy physical environment, including – air quality – land quality – water quality Seniors • prevention of falls • prevention of social isolation • promotion of vaccination Social Environment • safe, affordable, quality housing (prevention of homelessness) Tobacco • prevention of tobacco use • prevention of smoking Unintentional Injuries • prevention of workplace injuries • prevention of motor vehicle related death/injuries – prevention of pedestrian injury and death (includes bicyclists) Violence • prevention of domestic violence/intimate partner violence • prevention of dating violence • prevention of gang violence • prevention of bullying/cyber-bullying • prevention of suicide/depression Women’s and Maternal Health • prevention of unintended pregnancies • lack of breastfeeding/promotion of breastfeeding • promotion of vaccination Resources to Start Your Topic Choice Process • Task Force on Community Preventive Services • Healthy People 2020