What are three properties of water that make it so unusual? (NOTE: This is asking about properties, i.e., specific ways that water functions because of it’s chemical makeup that are beneficial for life on Earth. It is NOT asking about the three states that water can exist in on the planet (solid, liquid, or gas).)

Please answer questions below:


1. Why is it important for everyone to understand some basic biological concepts?

2. Restate in your own words, five of the properties of all living things that were listed in your readings, and explain in your own words what each means.


3. Define the following AND identify each component in the experiment described.

Dependent variable
Independent variable
Controlled variables
Control group (aka control or experimental control)
Experimental group
4. Why is it important that scientists design experiments using the structured process of the scientific method?

5. The scientific method uses critical thinking to gather data, or evidence about a particular phenomenon, examine and evaluate the evidence, in order to draw informed conclusions that substantiate an initial hypothesis (an unsubstantiated, proposed answer or opinion about what the experiment’s outcome will be.) Look at some ads that make claims of having scientific evidence for the effectiveness of their products on TV, radio, in the newspaper or magazine. Can you identify any products that base claims on faulty use of the scientific method (not just false or misleading advertising, but by making a scientific claim) to get you to buy the product?


The polar covalent bond that holds 2 hydrogens and an oxygen together to make water, and the hydrogen bonds between water molecules give water some unique properties among all other molecules on Earth.

6. What are three properties of water that make it so unusual? (NOTE: This is asking about properties, i.e., specific ways that water functions because of it’s chemical makeup that are beneficial for life on Earth. It is NOT asking about the three states that water can exist in on the planet (solid, liquid, or gas).)

7. What is a buffer and how is it related to homeostasis