the similarities and differences between the world Huxley described in Brave new world and our own society will be examined, and the powers and limits of technology will be discussed.

the similarities and differences between the world Huxley described in Brave new world and our own society will be examined, and the powers and limits of technology will be discussed.

This is the entire topic “True to other works in its genre, Brave New World is intensely interested in the powers and the limits of technology. In its specific treatment of psychotropic drugs and genetic engineering, Brave New World was, in retrospect, ominously prescient. Huxley criticized a world in which people had to medicate themselves to avoid their true emotions, and he also criticized a social system that essentially manufactured human beings to fit certain social needs and interests. The world that Huxley predicted has come true. In this essay, the similarities and differences between the world Huxley described and our own society will be examined, and the powers and limits of technology will be discussed.”