Scott Geller, “The Psychology of Self-Motivation”

For the assignment, watch the following TEDx talks: Scott Geller, “The Psychology of Self-Motivation”

Then answer the following questions.

1. (15 points) According to the speaker, what are the three questions one must answer “yes” to in order to be self-motivated?

2. (20 points) What are the 4 “Cs” the speaker mentions in the talk?

3. (15 points) How does the talk relate to material covered in either the Motivation or the Learning lectures? (Pick one concept from either lecture or chapter. Show that you understand the concept and how it relates to the talk.)

4. (50 points) Pick an area of your life where you could use a boost in self-motivation (e.g., school work, health). Using the main points of the talk as a guide, how could you work to improve your motivation? Describe strategies or steps you can take in detail. Be specific.
What behavior do you want to change? Specifically, what is your goal? (It must be measurable)
What specific steps will you take? How do these steps relate to the concepts mentioned in the talk?
Make sure your goal is realistic. Are you going to allow yourself any scheduled “cheats?”

Use 12-point font and standard margins (1-inch) and 1.5- or double-spacing of the lines.
Maximum page limit is 3 pages.
Assignment must be submitted on Canvas as either a Word Document (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf). No “.pages” files.

General advice
Write in complete sentences (at least for questions 3 & 4)
Use your own words (do not plagiarize)
If need be, cite the textbook (or any other source, though you are not required to have other sources).
Writing counts on this assignment. Be sure to proofread your assignment and check for any typos or grammatical errors. Also, you should avoid using run-on sentences.