Respond to “Hidden Intellectualism” by Graff

Plan and sketch an outline that responds to this prompt: Using the techniques described in chapters 1-6 write a paper in which you identify the argument Graff makes and respond to that argument. You’ll need to briefly summarize the argument in your response. You can agree, disagree, or a combination of both. Use the templates and techniques from Chapters 1-5 and 7.

Your analysis must be in essay form appropriate to college-level writing (paragraphs, transitions, an introduction and conclusion, etc.).
You must explain your ideas in detail in order to clearly and completely establish your position.
Use no outside research. Support can come from your own ideas or the article you chose.
You may use first person, but do so judiciously. See Chapter 5.
Use MLA style for this and ALL writing assignments in this class. See the sample paper MLA paper.