Community assessment

The town I am writing about is Union City, New Jersey. Please Include information on the following population characteristics and trends in your community over time: age distribution; sex distribution; racial characteristics; ethnic and cultural characteristics; birth rate; death rate; infant mortality rates; leading causes of death; disease specific death rates; morbidity rates; case specific rates for conditions such as tuberculosis, AIDS, STDS, cancer, and other chronic diseases; median family income and its range; poverty statistics; median education level and range. Key sources for information for sections 2 data collection include census data, morbidity and mortality statistics, statistics reported in research and clinical literature on your community or in newsletters and reports on your community. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is an excellent resource for morbidity and mortality statistics. Statistical information is available on the Internet for your city, county and the state of New Jersey. Visit or call City Hall, local libraries, community organizations to obtain current statistical information on your community.