The research proposal helps you to identify your research question and tentative thesis. The thesis may – and likely will – change as you conduct more research and draft the paper – but the proposal will help to ensure you are starting with a convincing argument in mind. It will also allow your instructor to gauge if your chosen topic is, in fact, argumentative and appropriate for the assignment.

Adapted from The Curious Researcher:

After carefully reviewing the Unit 3 content notes (which explain what a research question is and how to write an argumentative thesis), completing and participating in the Unit 3 Discussions, and selecting a topic, complete and submit a Research Proposal.

The research proposal helps you to identify your research question and tentative thesis. The thesis may – and likely will – change as you conduct more research and draft the paper – but the proposal will help to ensure you are starting with a convincing argument in mind. It will also allow your instructor to gauge if your chosen topic is, in fact, argumentative and appropriate for the assignment.

Review Lesson 2 before completing this assignment.

For the proposal, after your MLA heading, please submit the following:

1. Identify your major and briefly explain how writing about this topic might be beneficial for someone in that field (or identify if you have not yet declared a major or are a dual-enrolled student: remember that if this is the case, your topic must relate to an issue in education)

2. Your research question

3. Your tentative thesis

4. Answer all: “What, if any, prior beliefs, assumptions, preconceptions, ideas, or prejudices do you bring to this project? What personal experiences may have shaped the way you feel? What research have you conducted thus far? Before you began developing working knowledge on the topic, what were you thinking about it? What are you thinking about it now?” (Ballenger 46).

(Keep in mind that in order to fully answer question #4, you must have first developed some working knowledge on your topic. Again, review Lesson 2 as needed.)