Health Care Practices and Beliefs of Costa Rican Culture

Costa Rica is the culture I choose; Describe three factors from the list below that pertain to members of the chosen culture/subcultural group. (Descriptions should be based on literature available. Your source must be cited correctly). i. Historical ii. Value orientation iii. Interpersonal relationships iv. Communication v. Religion/magic vi. Social systems vii. Dietary/food habits 3. Using at least three (3) credible references (you must cite your references), explore health beliefs and practices for members of the chosen cultural/subcultural group. One resource must be from a health care research journal. 4. Identify at least one (1) stereotype that is commonly made about persons from this particular group (you must cite the source of the stereotype). 5. a. Select a particular health setting in the western New York area with which you are familiar and explore the following of this setting (if selecting a hospital, pick one unit of the hospital, i.e. specific clinic within the hospital, specific floor, ICU, CCU, etc.): – Mission – Accessibility – Demographics on population(s) served – Staffing – Hours of service – Services available – Payment method b. Based on your assessment of the cultural group you selected and your assessment of the health care setting: (1) Describe cultural and systemic barriers that may inhibit members of this cultural group from seeking health care in the setting you have selected. (2) Describe cultural and systemic bridges that may assist members of this cultural group in receiving health care in the setting you have selected. (c) Delineate recommendations for the provision of culturally sensitive care for persons from this cultural group in the setting you have selected. N.B. Length of paper is to be 9-12 pages (text only, excluding title page and references) This paper is worth 25 points. Grading: 1. Research based discussion of three cultural factors 7 points 2. Research based health and illness beliefs 7 points 3. Research based Stereotype(s) 2 points 4. Description/information on chosen health care setting as relates to: a. Barriers to culturally sensitive care at health care setting for chosen group 2 points b. Bridges to culturally sensitive care at health care setting for chosen group 2 points c. Recommendations to enhance culturally sensitive care at health care setting for chosen group 2 points 5. APA format formal paper (proper grammar, title page, introduction, discussion, conclusion, reference page) 3 points