The Great Gatsby Film

Students are required to write a 4-5 page paper (12-point font and double-spaced) in which they critique a film shown in class according to male/female theories. This is not a movie review but an application and exploration of the concepts of male and female communication. Thus, specific examples and quotes from the film should be used to support the paper’s claim/thesis. Students are encouraged to reference clips from the film, and possibly their own observations and experiences in support of the thesis for the paper. No bibliography is required unless additional sources are used. The grading for the paper will be based on the ability to effectively communicate and support one’s thesis through the use of specific examples from the film, class notes, observations, lecture, and textbook readings. The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph, which includes a thesis. (It is better to narrow the focus of the paper and satisfactorily develop a couple of ideas rather than apply so many concepts that it becomes difficult to connect them together in a succinct thesis.) Each paragraph within the body of the paper should support the thesis and begin with a topic sentence. The paper should also include a concluding paragraph that summarizes the main points of the paper. For full credit, pay close attention to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and other rules of good writing. ….. I have also attached the study guides for both the midterm and the final which contain course topics regarding male and female communication..