The Minorities Breaking the Law for Animal Protection Activism. To what extent is it justifiable?

The Minorities Breaking the Law for Animal Protection Activism. To what extent is it justifiable?

There are people who will go to the extent of breaking the law to protect animals under lab testing with the element of brutality and cruelty. Explore how in achieving the halting of experiments or total prevention can make it a worthy act of crime. . Give case studies when such event has happened. Vaguely touch upon the benefits of what the experiments may result in. And on the contrary what will happen if experiments are not carried out. In detail, give the reasons all criminals had, for their criminal actions, Consider if it was justifiable. If it was necessary. And whether If the opposition party undergoing lab experiments did cross the line of the laws for animal testing and went beyond their limits and powers specified in statute. Furthermore, explore more consequential events that has happen to the criminals and the penalties they have faced. Also, write about how criminalisation for animal protection has increase or decrease as a whole, in areas such as, in particular the UK and USA. Consider the remedies for decreasing the rate of criminalisation and what has been done. Harvard citing reference system I apologize for having such a lengthy paper instruction but I felt that it would be beneficial. I will really appreciate it if you could write this assignment as simple and straightforward and informative as possible with a variety of statistics. Thank you so very much. Really appreciate it.