learning environment that incorporates the needs of regular and special need students

Select ONE article from a professional journal that relates to the topics covered in this class. Your critique should clearly identify the article’s topic and source, and should be followed first by a review of article and then by your analysis based on ONE of the perspectives detailed below. Organize your critique using the following strategies Critique Instructions: Determine the type of article you are critiquing (ONE of the following three options will describe the perspective of your chosen article) Is this a research article? If so, State the purpose of the study. Identify the research hypothesis. Briefly describe the design and the recommendations. Based on the information provided, decide and state whether you believe the suggested recommendations were appropriate. Justify your position. Is this a description of a program? If so, Briefly describe the essence of the program and the results. Based on the information, what is your analysis of the program? What are the strengths, what are the weaknesses? For what situations might the program be suitable? Is this an opinion? If so, Briefly describe the position of the author. Following your analysis, do you agree or disagree? You must justify your position. To be successful in this assignment: Include your name, the date, and course number on the title page. A full citation, using APA format, must precede your critique. Include a brief summary of the article, answer the applicable questions above based on the type of article you selected (this is your analysis), and end with a conclusion (closing paragraph). Your critique should be 2–3 pages in length. The analysis portion of the review should be approximately one page in length. Use this link to submit your paper on Bb. You may access articles using the WU library.