Hearts and Minds Going Forward (2001-Present)

Western Civilization Post 1689 Research Paper Instructions A.Browse current newspapers and periodicals throughout the semester to find an article that relates to any historical topic we cover in this course. Articles must be dated from this semester. Suggested newspapers and periodicals that often have such articles: The Post and Courier Newsweek The Washington Post Atlantic Monthly The New York Times Time New Yorker The State (Columbia, SC) US News and World Report The Economist The New Republic Do not use: •Articles from tabloids such as The National Enquirer •Book reviews or movie reviews B.Write a 6-7 page essay based on the article that includes all of the following: 1.A summary of the current events article and how the article relates to a topic of history we cover in this course. 1-2 paragraphs. 2.An in-depth description and explanation of the historical topic mentioned in the article. This will be the main body of your essay. You must use sources other than your textbook or information given in the lessons for this part of your essay. Simply using an encyclopedia (especially Wikipedia) does not count as an additional source!! Your goal is to learn more than what is covered in the book and lessons, to complete in-depth research on your topic. Several in-depth paragraphs. 3.MLA citations from your sources wherever appropriate in the essay. If you quote from one of your sources, or use another author’s idea, you must cite the source. 4.A conclusion that offers your own analysis on the topic. 1-2 paragraphs. 5.Essays must be typed in standard 10 or 12 point print, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. 6.On a separate page attached to each essay, cite the current events article and the other sources you used to write the essay. Use MLA format. This page is not counted as part of the 6-7 page essay. C.Compile and submit the following: 1.The article you have chosen to write about (either a link, or scanned copy) of . 2.Your research essay with a works cited page attached. The research project must be submitted to the dropbox. Suggestions: 1.Start now and work on this project throughout the semester. Make a habit of reading the daily paper, a weekly news magazine, or the Sunday New York Times to find interesting articles for this project. 2.Some examples of the kinds of articles you may find: ◦Reports on discoveries of new primary sources that alter our current understanding of Western Civ ◦Articles on travel destinations that discuss the history of a specific European town or nation. Check the travel sections of Sunday papers. ◦Current news stories that mention a relevant event or person from the past ◦Articles on historians or museums that offer a new interpretation of some aspect of Western Civ 3.Get help from the TTC library (LRC) and librarians. You may also use the LRC Tutorials listed in Course Content and in Student Tools. To find quality sources for your research go to some libraries and get books on your topic. With your TTC Student ID you may use the College of Charleston Library, or the Citadel library. You may also use any county or neighborhood libraries that are convenient to you. 4.Do not rely on Internet sources for your research. You will do better research, and write a better paper if you use books for this project. 5.E-mail me as you work on this project and whenever you have any questions. I am here to help you. For instance, you may ask for my opinion of the current events article you find, and what topic you might research from it. You may ask my opinion on the sources you find to conduct your research. You may write you research essay early and ask me to critique it, before you hand it in for a grade. Projects will be graded according to the following criteria: 1.Content of essay and historical explanation: The essay should prove that you have learned something new about history and exhibit a clear understanding of the topic. In-depth research is required. 2.Choice of current events article used for the project: Article should be current, appropriate to the assignment, and from an acceptable news source. 3.Quality of research sources and references used to complete the essay, and correct citation of sources used. Do not rely on Internet sources, children’s books, or encyclopedias. 4.Ability to follow directions. 5.Quality of writing: Organization, writing style, grammar and spelling DUE DATE: 4/21 THERE WILL BE AN OPTIONAL EARLY SUBMISSION DATE. TURN YOU PAPER IN BY THEN AND RECEIVE A 10PT “BUMP” The project is worth 20% of your grade in this course.