Nomination Speech

Good start to your nomination speech. There is a lot of detail and policy in the speech. Unfortunately, it is really difficult to understand what your candidate is trying to say. He is very difficult to understand due to some questionable word choice and sentence construction decisions. Try reading the speech out loud during proofreading to catch these types of issues. Also, there seems to be a mismatch between your candidate and his target audience. You may want to reconsider some of your key points in this speech. -Prof Perez

That is the feedback of the professor. On the paper included you will find the specifics of what to edit. If you have any doubts ASK, please. The paper already has 3 sources so no more need to be added. Just follow the instructions and the feedback that it’s in the annotated feedback.

Nomination Speech
‘The people of America, at such needy and demanding times, you require a leader who is
reliable and able to listen to your needs from education all the way to healthcare. Therefore, I,
Austin-Channing-Brown will run for the presidential seat because I have shown the charisma and
capability to deliver promises to the people of America as well as shown in Tennessee. In
support of this claim, my willingness to repeatedly serve my people, I joined the Republican
party as base to serve the less fortunate and the minority in a world which many leaders are only
determined pursue their self-interests and personal goals instead of public needs. Considering the
Republican Party historical platform to inspire change and improve social needs I have shown
tremendous effort by supporting education reforms in Tennessee which will be transformed in
national goals whereby citizens in America can acquire education which will help them
transform the society.
The people of Tennessee have had a problem of Opioids abuse considering the 12% rise of drug
overdose in 2016 from the record in 2015. While in the House of Representatives, I championed
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the regulations for reducing opioid use in Tennessee by adding more investigative agents and a
drug abuse commission which limits the prescription of certain drugs. (Whitney, 1). The
numbers which were 1,600 deaths in Tennessee residents alone seem to be under counted hence
the commission worked to ensure that more labor is allocated to ensure this is not the case.
(Whitney, 1). Efficiently handling such a case in Tennessee shows an individual who is
responsible considering that every citizen has the right to life and in good condition. My impact
in global affairs regarding the global community campaigns for my capability to handle the
nation’s interests.
As one of America’s sharpest legal and empathic mindset, juvenile justice and corrections within
many states in America has always been ignored hence creating anticipation from the Tennessee
residents. I will to promote America’s institutions not only schools but also hospitals concretely
to show that I have the capability not only to promote juvenile justice but focus more on the
needs of the youth. The youth on a wider scope within America are at high risk due to social
issues which affect our society such as drugs, gun violence, unemployment and poverty among
others. (Bartels, 24). The youth are the future of any country hence my agenda which involves
elevating the youth will help reform many youth all around America. My experience in the US
army shows my dedication to give the youth a positive environment which they can pursue their
goals without fear of intimidation and critics.
Looking back at my political career, I had a direct approach to tackle social, political and
economic deems me at as a lover for change. Change is inevitable and is the core driver for
growth in any setting whether in organizations, state or country. To effectively adopt change,
Tennessee has always had a problem of education which shows that the state is stagnant because
the citizens aren’t acquiring the appropriate education. (Whitney, 2). In response to this, I will
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increase teachers’ pay and ensure that the scholarship program is accessible to all so that many
people can have a chance to have a degree. A strong education platform which is among my
agenda will be a stepping stone for the less fortunate because education provides diversity in
ideas as different people offer opinions due to learning about new things.
Welfare reforms in Tennessee have always been ignored and slowly campaigned for by
lawmakers leaving the unemployment record just as high as in the past. (Whitney, 1). As a result,
Tennesseans aren’t able to achieve their goals in the best way possible. On the national level,
America is a great nation which should be inspired by leadership from state levels such as my
willingness to improve people’s lives. Improving the country’s welfare must be done from
individual levels meaning each individual can be given the chance to transform Tennessee and
America through my leadership. The more the government reduces the citizens, who are
dependent on it, the more a country grows as a whole hence America can become great again in
such tough economic times. (Jurgen, 31). Being an advocate of free market trade to boost
America’s economy, my plan to create chances for all Americans to help in America’s growth
will improve even the lowest settings of the society.
Republicans believe that traditional conservatism should be abolished and create a more
aggressive political platform whereby different cultures can be used to increase political
correctness. My presidency and governance will not shy away from opinions from other political
institutions and classes of beliefs because that’s what makes America great compared to other
nations. Each American has the right to make a decision whether it’s not according to the ruling
government’s criteria of handling issues or not. (Jurgen, 34). Such aspects eliminate the chances
of people going into war or participating in violence within the borders of America. Serving the
people of Tennessee has been an honor for wish to serve the people of America is visible through
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the transition from House of Representatives to the senate seat which I addressed the state’s
issues better.
Having served in the US military and risen up the ranks to become a leader in the army and also
in the government, I believe that the government doesn’t pick winners and losers. This
Republican principle seeks to give all people the same opportunity to become productive.
(Bartels, 27). My agenda will create employment opportunities as well as be in the fore front line
in the campaign for entrepreneurship especially for the youth whose dreams shouldn’t be taken
lightly. Learning from Charles de Gaulle, politicians who need to become masters must act as
servants to the needs of the public. Approaching problem solving through democracy is the only
way the future of Americans will be crafted in a good way. (Bartels, 25). A good decision
making leader as shown in my life as an advisor to the Tennessee state government gives me
enough experience to appropriately support and listen to the needs of the American people
despite their different needs and wants.
This nomination comes as a challenge to all Americans in terms of high moral and ethical
standards which will derive a greater personal responsibility in everyone hence the bigger goals
will be achievable accordingly. (Jurgen, 38). The government to take effect hopefully after
elections will ensure health care services are expanded and reliable to all Americans despite their
geographical location. This government will seek to face social, economic and political problems
head-on because politicians should not be given the keys to the city but instead the public should
challenge the government by changing the locks and observing how they handle the situation.
Despite affiliating oneself with the Republicans, I seek to challenge politicians in government to
first solve public needs before bringing politics into the scenario because it doesn’t impact the
people positively. (Bartels, 31).
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Dedicating one’s time as a leader to the people is very important. In the past I have proven to the
youth that they are not alone in the race to pursue life achievements. I have dedicated my time to
talk to the youth about investing in their education which helps them grow within a challenging
society. Many politicians campaign towards the public through blaming previous governments
for things that they have not done. (Jurgen, 40). However, my campaign and strategies will
embrace George W. Bush criteria which didn’t need to focus on the previous government in
order to face the public demands. This government if voted for will ensure citizens acquire
healthcare at low costs, education to all, social welfare to the elderly and proper leadership which
the youth can count on.
Finally, I am an American by birth, grew within America, educated, worked for and with
the state of Tennessee government and federal government for the betterment of America hence
can be reliable if given the presidential mandate to lead the nation. The people of Tennessee and
America as a whole are being challenged to stand with our government because the political
record says it all. Leadership shouldn’t only be embraced because all decisions are made by
people in government but because the public is being involved in major decisions hence creating
an environment where the government can learn from the public and vice versa. (Jurgen, 43).
This government will seek to make America great and affordable to all and may God bless the
United States of America.”
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Work Cited
Bartels, Larry M. ‘Unequal democracy; The political economy of the new gilded age. Princeton
University Press, 2016. 21-36
Jurgen, Habermas. “Constitutional democracy: a paradoxical union of contradictory principles?”
theoretical and empirical studies of rights. Routledge, 2017. 29-44
Whitney, Ayrika. “5 issues to watch as Tennessee lawmakers return to Nashville for the
legislative session. USA today network-Tennessee. 1-2