Diffusion and preservation of scientific knowledge in the Middle East after the fall of Rome

topic: Diffusion and preservation of scientific knowledge in the Middle East after the fall of Rome

Students will prepare and submit a podcaston a list of topics provided by the instructor. The podcast should adhere to standard essay writing expectations, i.e. it must contain an introduction, a thesis statement, a series of supporting arguments, and a conclusion. Podcasts should not be more than 10 minutes long.

The podcast will be a maximum of 10 minutes long t

Select a research topic. Since this is a history assignment, you must choose a historical topic that pertains to an event/idea/person/theme that we have discussed up until this point in the class. Seems obvious enough, right? Selecting a topic may be difficult for some, however. In order to find a research topic, you should identify a subject that is broad enough that it contains a suitable number of secondary sources, yet specific enough that you can manage to record a ten-minute podcast on the topic. After you have selected a topic, you need to ask a research question of that topic. If my topic is Galileo and the Church, I might ask, “what factors/reasons other than doctrine contributed to the Church’s antipathy towards Galileo’s ideas? The answer to this question will likely be your central argument, or your thesis statement.
Prepare your thoughts. Typically, this will involve writing out your essay (nothing ruins a recording more than long “ums” or rambling around in circles). As a rule of thumb, one double-spaced page takes roughly two minutes to read. Given that your podcast should not be longer than ten minutes, you will need to strive for maximal efficiency in what you’re saying.

I need to see a solid thesis and a set of arguments for the podcast. You can’t just discuss astronomy or Leonardo Di Vinci. You need to have a clear argument. Note that the professor wants to see some primary or secondary research. The lectures or textbook are the beginning, not the end of your research. In fact, if you check the back of the textbook, the authors discuss which authors they use for each section. That is a good place to start. Remember that you’re required to hand in written notes with the podcast. Include your bibliography there and please use Chicago Style.

please mention and reference this book;

James E. McClellan & Harold Dorn, Science & Technology in World History 3rd edition (pages 115-194)