Has the IMF been bad for developing countries?

Title: Has the IMF been bad for developing countries?
For my dissertation, I have chosen the above subject-matter due to the fact that I am personally quite fascinated with the role and impact that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has had on developing countries. Growing up in a third world country such as Tanzania and having family living in a developing country such as Pakistan – (categorized as low level of living standards and other development drawbacks),my eyes lit up when I saw this as I feel as though I will have a lot to gain, relate, and comprehend, whilst delving to examine this topic in-depth.
I will begin by explaining and providing a brief background of what the International Monetary Fund is; it’s history; its organization and purpose; and what the IMF does. This information is easily accessible on the IMF website – (2018). The IMF at a Glance. [online] Available at: https://www.imf.org/en/About/Factsheets/IMF-at-a-Glance.
Subsequently, I will examine the argument’s in favor of the International Monetary Fund as well as the arguments against it to see whether the organization has contributed to: 1) growth, 2) development 3) well-being of developing countries or whether it is undermining its goals and objectives. There is an insightful paper written by Muhamed Mohamed Muhamed of Istantul Iydin University and Sayid Gas of Cukurova University on ‘IMF in developing countries – Hindering or Helping?’ for which I shall use to generally assess and analyze the details of their findings – ResearchGate. 2018. ResearchGate | Share and discover research. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.researchgate.net.

Moreover, I plan to provide case-studies on two developing countries who have been recipients of the IMF, located in different continents – preferably in Africa, and in Asia; to see the impact it has had on them. Before we can truly understand the actual role the IMF has had on these countries, it will be imperative to understand the countries’ economies, and the various factors it depends on for which I intend to explore further.
Research Methodologies
After having reviewed the general literatures available on the arguments for and against the IMF and providing in-dept country case studies of an Asian and African country, I plan to firstly use a qualitative research design by using books; policy document’s; journal’s; and articles to explore the assessments.
-In order to ascertain if the IMF has been bad for developing countries, it will be important to compare case studies of developing countries who have actually been recipients of the IMF as well as those who have not resorted to the IMF to conceptualize on the growth performances of these countries for both factors. This will be done by critically assessing and analyzing past study of ‘LIC-specific participation model by adopting a propensity score matching (PSM) methodology to compare the economic growth’s over the period 1998 to 2008” – Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands (2017) The Effect of IMF Programmes on Economic Growth in Low Income Countries: An Empirical Analysis, The Journal of Development Studies, 53:12, 2179-2196, DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2017.1279734
Furthermore, I intend to do a quantitative analysis of the 2 specific focus-countries that I will be introducing (TBA) to see how the IMF has impacted them. This quantitative analysis will be conducted by using the OLS regression model.
In addition, data collection will be conducted by using a questionnaire with specific questions to be submitted to the countries relevant authorities to see the responses that they provide in regards to the assistant that they seek from the IMF. Each question and answer will be thoroughly assesses and analyzed by depicting tables and graphs to ascertain the + or – relationship it is having on the macroeconomic performance and growth of these countries.
Research Findings:
Once I have managed to assess and analyze the qualitative and empirical research findings as well as the quantitative analysis, I will be able to present my findings for thorough review.
I will conclude the dissertation by reinstating the question of whether the IMF has been bad for developing countries – I will summarize the various literatures and conclude with what I will have personally deduced through my data collection, analysis, regression models, and findings. I will briefly compare my analytical statistics to the general notion to ascertain if and whether the IMF has actually been bad for developing countries.