A researched based argumentative essay

The issue question of this researched based argumentative essay is Does Growing Organic Really Matter? 3 pages should be added to this essay while rewriting it. ###########Same 6 sources should be used. Essay instructions: Choose a position, stake a claim about it, and defend that claim. Research Argument must include: Introduction -Engage your reader with a summary of a news story that presents you topic -Provide brief background information, but not details you will discuss -Explain the relevance of this topic?Why is it research worthy? State thesis or directing question Offer necessary background information to your readers.What do they need to know in order to understand your point of view? -Present the details of the argument, incorporating authoritative evidence from your research with your own analysis. -Make a case for your point of view. -Present a counter- argument fairly, and refuse it convincingly. -Include and summarize fairly and accurately at least one opposing view and then refuse it. Conclude: Reaffirm the thesis statement Reach a decision or a judgement about the merits of the subject Discuss the implications of your findings Offer a plan of action or a proposal that will put your ideas into affect Use the final paragraph, especially the final sentence, to bring the paper to closure. One possible method is to return to the topic that you refer to in the introduction. The essay is attached below. #####What should be changed is written on the last page on the essay.