Term Paper Topic: Will China maintain sustainable growth in the future?

The term paper assignment is to analyze an issue of current interest in international finance. Ideally this task will involve an application of the analytical tools learned in the course and/or other economics courses to an international economic policy issue. The student’s task is to (1) define the issue narrowly enough to make the topic workable, (2) include the most relevant background information on the subject, (3) analyze the problem from an economic viewpoint and (4) recommend policies or strategies that would improve the current situation or solve the problem. Support your arguments with economic concepts and data whenever possible. Prepare this paper as if you were putting together a consultant’s report for policy makers of a government, executives of a firm, or an individual client involved or interested in the issue. Your job is to provide an overview of the issue, an analysis of the economic efficiency and/or economic interests involved, and your opinion as to the best policy that the government, firm, individual or organization should pursue. Format The text should be approximately 10-12 pages long, typed and double spaced, and should not exceed 15 pages. This page count does not include the executive summary and any tables and charts you may wish to provide, but any such exhibits should be related to points made in the text. Clarity of presentation, neatness, spelling and grammar count, not only in the grade you receive now, but in any presentation you do for the rest of your professional career. In addition, the paper should include citations in the text (or through footnotes or endnotes) attributing critical information and ideas to their proper sources. You may use any system of citation you wish, such as references plus a bibliography, footnotes, or endnotes, and based on any standard reference style. Make sure to identify website sources with the URL address. Beware of relying on information from website sources of dubious origin. Executive Summary In addition, you are required to include, at the beginning of the paper, an executive summary (abstract) of approximately 1 to 1½ pages (double spaced). This is a standard feature of most reports in business, banking and government and will help you to focus your thoughts in describing and summarizing your work in a concise manner. Preliminary Draft TurnItIn Option Students are expected to follow the guidelines for scholarship and citation as presented in the Babson College Student Handbook. All students will be expected to follow the honor code regarding the originality of their work. In this connection, there are two TurnItIn submission files on the course Blackboard site,”Assignments” page. Each student may use, but is not required to use, the TurnItIn preliminary submission facility, to receive an originality report. This report will show how much of your text matches text from external sources (articles, books, other papers, internet sources, etc.). Remember that you are can quote other sources as long as they are properly identified and cited; just remember that you should use quotes sparingly, so that you have room to present your own thoughts on the term paper topic. Students can generate their own originality report by using the “Preliminary Draft” TurnItIn folder before the final term paper submission, in order to check the citations and sources used in their term papers. If you do this, please examine the originality report carefully to determine that you have adequately documented your sources, and have followed the guidelines for academic integrity contained in the student handbook. In addition, please remember that it may take 24 hours after a preliminary draft submission is submitted before the originality report is generated, depending on the volume on the TurnItIn server. Final paper submissions should be made to the final draft submission Turnitin file on the Assignments page. If for some reason the Turnitin facility is not operating correctly, the backup plan is to email your final paper directly to me, at kjones@babson.edu). Deadline All final papers will be due on Wednesday, April 29 at midnight (Wednesday 11:59:59 PM). Late papers will receive a penalty of one full letter grade for each day the paper is late. Late penalties will be strictly enforced. Checklist: Before submitting your paper, please check the following items: 1) Have you corrected any spelling and grammar mistakes? 2) Have you sought help from the Writing Center, or a qualified proofreader, if necessary? 3) Have you numbered your pages? 4) Have you included relevant charts, tables and/or statistics to enhance or support your presentation, wherever applicable? (Note: all exhibits should have a supporting discussion or explanation in the text of your paper) 5) Have you included an executive summary? 6) Have you given proper credit to your sources, including tables and charts, through a system of either footnotes or citations? [Standards for scholarship are set forth in the student handbook.] 7) Optional: Have you submitted a preliminary draft of your paper to TurnItIn on the Blackboard site (Assignments page) to get an originality report? 8) Have you formatted your paper for easy printing and presentation? All charts and tables must be formatted to print out in compact form in hard copy. 9) Have you included your name on the title page of your paper?