Mandatory childhood vaccines as a requirement for public school attendance

This assignment uses a pattern of development known as argument. The purpose of a good
argument is to persuade people to agree with or at least understand your position in an issue.
Observe the following techniques when writing:
1. Take a position on the issue you select from the class list and make a claim.
2. Have a strong thesis statement. For this assignment: (example)
Issue + Claim = Thesis statement
Issue: patients in comas
Claim: doctors decide whether or not to continue treatment
Thesis: Only doctors should have the authority to decide if patients in comas
receive continued medical treatment or have treatment terminated.
3. Give convincing reasons and sufficient supporting evidence to defend your position or
recommended action.
4. Consider opposing views (rebuttal). Know both sides of the issue.
5. Demonstrate your enthusiasm, knowledge, and energy from start to finish.
6. Organize your argument in the order of importance. In other words, save the best or
strongest point for last.
Purpose — to persuade your audience to accept or at least understand your position on an
Audience — instructor and others who might be interested in your position
Point of View – third person only (no first or second person)
1. You are required to select an issue from the list presented with this assignment.
2. Make your claim about the issue you choose from the list.
3. Support your claim with at least three good reasons.
4. Write your argument using third person only. Even though it may be your opinion, you
may not use first person.
5. You will need to use at least two (2) outside sources to support your claim. Include cited
information in your paper. Since you will have in-text citations, you must include a Works
Cited page with your argument paper.
6. Your paper needs to be about 300-400 words. Do not exceed 450 words. Edit. Include the
word count at the end. You must submit your paper to Turnitin. No emails accepted.
7. Your paper must be typed according to the MLA. (-5 to -25)
8. Make sure your introduction contains a clear thesis statement as the last sentence of the first
9. Use proper grammar and spelling. Do not use contractions, slang, or clichés.
10. Be sure to submit your paper to Turnitin before the deadline given in the weekly Checklist
on the course site.