For this assignment, you are to construct a short 5 page biography using a bibliography of at least 10 works consisting of any combination of scholarly books, approved internet websites, and/or scholarly journal articles. Only scholarly works may be used.

Research Paper

  1. For this assignment, you are to construct a short 5 page biography using a bibliography of at least 10 works consisting of any combination of scholarly books, approved internet websites, and/or scholarly journal articles. Only scholarly works may be used. No Wikipedia or sources that are not from an academic source.
  2. All work must pertain to an important historical figure from class (i.e., a famous painter, an author, a politician, a social reformer, etc.).
  3. You must discuss how this figure contributed to the period in question.
  4. The bibliographical sketch and the accompanying bibliography must be constructed using the APA format. (An APA model is found in class Blackboard page.)
  5. The report must be at least five full pages of text (the title page and the bibliography do not count), using 12 point New Times Roman font. The
  6. Please check the course calendar for the due dates for this assignment. Absolutely no late work will be accepted.
  7. Plagiarism, copying, and all other acts of cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a penalty.
  8. Your paper must be written in your own words. You should quote and cite outside sources and these should not constitute more than 30% of your paper.