Cultural Impact Paper: Write a paper describing the lasting of cultural impact of thoughts finding their antecedent in the Biblical literature.

  1. Written Assignments (choose from options 1&2)


  1. Responsible Use Paper: Write a paper contrasting a responsible application of the Biblical literature with a popular application of it observed in present Western Culture.
  2. Cultural Impact Paper: Write a paper describing the lasting of cultural impact of thoughts finding their antecedent in the Biblical literature.


Paper must be:

  • Clearly written with good grammar, concise sentences and paragraphs.
  • Minimum 3,000 words (12pts, Times New Roman, double-spaced.)
  • Conform to MLA style in citing sources.
  • Avoid websites as sources.
  • Cite Biblical references within the body of the test.
  • The submission will be on Turnitin. (the website can see all the plagiarism done on the paper and the website used.)