Meteorology related topic

This is one order of 3 point papers. -two papers require 7 pages and one paper 14 pages. 7+7+14= 28 pages -The third paper can build and expand from the two point paper. there are 6 topic you can choose to write: 1. What effect does the Sun’s energy have to do with the weather on the Earth? If it does, how does it influence the atmosphere and our day today weather? What are the implications? 2. With all the debate about dependency on Oil, what if any will Solar, Wind, Renewable fuels and or Geothermal going to do for us? 3. What is the future of the Weather Forecasting? What part of it do you think will provide the largest benefit to society? 4. Weather is a huge factor in placement and consideration of new energy technology. How do we maintain optimum performance, where do we put these devices? Do we put them in special areas of the country? How do we best use this technology? ( This is meant to be open ended to accommodate the various devices out there) 5. Write a paper about Weather Radar equipment ( present and future ) 6. Write a paper about Weather Satellite Technology ( present and future )