Choose a specific field with respect to European borderland studies and produce a critical synthesis of the state of research in that field.

Choose a specific field with respect to European borderland studies and produce a critical synthesis of the state of research in that field. Find at least 3 sources (articles/book chapters). Identify central arguments and scholarly disputes, assess weakness and strengths in different studies, and suggest possible topics for further research.

As a case for research a writer can choose any European town, region, nation at a specific period of time (e.g., Vilnius of the period of World War I). The case can be on linguistic, religious, historical borders. The research can also be on how different authors talked about specific borders.
As an example and for reference the writer can use the cases from the book Shatterzone of Empires by Bartov and Weitz (but it’s not obligatory).
Please inform me about what topic you have chosen.