The readings we’ve done from This Bridge Called My Back and “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?” call mainstream feminism into question and introduce us to feminism’s Third Wave, a wave concerned with the intersection of race, culture, class, and gender.

The readings we’ve done from This Bridge Called My Back and “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?” call mainstream feminism into question and introduce us to feminism’s Third Wave, a wave concerned with the intersection of race, culture, class, and gender.
Please choose one of the essays we read, or two essays for comparison, and craft an essay that blends evaluation (assessing the validity of the author’s rhetoric; identifying who is at fault for the problem she explores; or evaluating the ethics of the claim itself) and proposal, as in what you think feminism should be and how we can make it that way.
You’ll be using at least six additional sources, three of which must be academic, and all of which must be reputable.

At least 3000 words (10+ pages).

An engaging introduction which gives a sense of the terms as they are defined, and the stances as they are argued that does not assume we’ve read them

A focused, specific and arguable thesis which gives a strong sense of your evaluation of 3rd wave feminism, your reason(s) for your claim, and an optional concession to another side of the argument

Transitions that logically connect one idea to the next

Focused paragraphs that draw on ample quotations and specific references to the texts for support. Each of your paragraphs should have logical topic sentences that refer to what the paragraph will argue AND connect to the thesis. The topic sentences, when arranged in order, should create an easy-to-follow mini-argument, which the paragraphs elaborate on, support, and “prove”

A conclusion that assesses the overall effect and implications of your argument. It shouldn’t merely restate the thesis, but should synthesize each paragraph and leave the reader with the overall significance of the claims—the way they connect with the larger world—and a solution or assessment of the situation

Follow MLA guidelines for in-text citations and your “Works Cited” page (if in doubt, consult Purdue’s OWL site: