We know there are many qualitative aspects of decision-making as well as quantitative aspects? What happens if an organization cannot justify the potential value in an option or opportunity within their logistics network?

1.We know there are many qualitative aspects of decision-making as well as quantitative aspects? What happens if an organization cannot justify the potential value in an option or opportunity within their logistics network? 2. Supporting logic is important is that in that it can evaluate current ways of doing business based on facts and eliminates any biases. Do you think that bias can affect your daily decision-making? 3. Do you think that a plan developed and implemented using the data from supported logic is always right? Or have investments been made and then a recovery plan implemented to try and correct a plan that did not meet expectations. Should a company only depend on technology while making these decisions? 4. “Ryder’s reverse in logistics capability mainly consists of a full suite of various integrated reverse logistics and IT solutions to handle the goods that are returned from one end to the other. This solution mainly aims at initiation of material authorization, sorting of products, reconciliation of credit and technical repair among others of which most has been explained above. All the solutions of Ryder are mainly aimed at making improvements on retail industries as well as cutting on cost.” In your opinion, what are some of the RL and IT solutions that improve the process from beginning to the end? 5. Many companies have realized a huge profit by providing an organized method for returns. In some cases, as much as 10 percent of the annual profits. What are some items a company would need to manage in order to have an efficient return process? How does this apply to Reverse Logistics? 6. Read the following article: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324549004579068991226997928 Do you feel REI made the correct decision? Why or Why not?