The existing issues of Great Wall

Firstly, the visitor of the Great Wall is over loaded. The Great Wall is one of the top three scenic spot in China (Lindesay 2008). According to the research, there are around 87,000 visitors visiting the Great Wall in China every day, which means that there are around 30,000,000 visitors visiting the Great Wall ever year. This is a scary number. These years, the government has noticed the significant problem that will bring to the Great Wall with overload visitors. Thus, the Beijing Green Forest Office has reduced and control the daily visitor to 50,000 people every day. However, this is still a huge amount for the Great Wall. The huge amount of visitors every year has caused overloaded for the Great Wall. The surrounding environment, and the Great Wall itself has being serious damage because of the excess visitors. The China government should pay attention on this issue and find a way to solve the problem.

Secondly, the Great Wall itself is being continuously damage by two main people visitors and the nearby residents (Waldron 1983). First of all is the visitors, a great proportion of the visitors from all over the world did not aware that everyone should pay the responsibility to protect the Great Wall. During walking on the Great Wall, we can not only see the garbage on the floor but also can see that visitors climbed onto the wall and some people even do lettering on the wall to write down the date that they visit. The government has notice that a great part of the wall has been lettering. They send the experts to the Wall to ask for help. However, the experts said that they could not erase the world without any loss of the wall (Rojas 2010). They will have to take off the surface of the wall in order to erase the words. This will make the wall be thinner that before. Furthermore, the nearby residents are the another significant destroyer. Some resident who live near the Great Wall steal the bricks from the Great Wall in order to save their construction fee of their house or to sell it to the visitors. This behavior seriously damages the Great Wall. Both the visitors and the residents should aware the severity of these actions.

Thirdly, I consider, there surrounding environment are over developed by the businessman. Since walking is the only way to visit the Great Wall, businessman has built some facilities to visit the Great Wall (Karnow 2007). For instant, the Slideway and the horse riding. The Slideway is just next to the Great wall, so visitors do not need to walk back to the start point, they can just take the Slideway back to the start point. The Slideway which was built next to the Great Wall will cause the mudslide and the wall collapse. Some part of the Great Wall allows horse ridding visit. The horse riding will damage the road surface of the Great Wall and boost the road damage of the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is one of the most miracle constructions in the world. Everyone has the responsibility to protect the culture assets in order to keep out assets long and forever for our descendants. Fourth, the building materials used did not fulfill the primary purpose of protecting Chinese citizens from invaders; as the building materials were weak and substantial in nature. Originally, the Great Wall of China was built with stone and sand which could last the building for numerous centuries. Presently, finding fault in the building is easy and can be easily spotted in its building materials. The Great Wall of China is a world heritage that is built from substandard construction materials. The building materials are unable to provide the building with sufficient protection against invaders like it was in the past (Law 2002). About 50 percent of the materials used in building the Great Wall of China are materials that can be easily broken and interfered with if invaders decided to take control of the land of China. For this reason, a problem that arises with the use of poor and substandard construction materials lies in the collection of smaller and numerous walls that are presently built with improper timing.

Though the smaller walls and numerous units are still built in gigantic nature, the buildings are messy and the mess is evident from the poor materials used to build. But as it is stated in the law that objects are as a result of ‘network relations’ the building is viewed as a complication of networks that stem from the great wall itself with smaller branches that are not easy to understand from roots. The smaller units that are built in form of connection have no direct directions especially in what aspects of the whole building the small connections are trying to link up. According to the Actor-network theory of construction that has been discussed in previous construction and historical buildings, this theory finds base in the idea that things are only related when they have enactments of strategic logic. That is to mean that everything that is used in form of participation in a building must hold everything within the building together (Law 2002). The connection and network of building materials that make up the total construction of the wall of China is huge.

Its gigantic nature is evident in the sense that it stretched over to tens of centuries including the most basic construction materials such as leaves and dirt to a more form of modern though elaborate building tools. Trying to combine both building tools to bring us to an understanding of a gigantic construction, the construction materials that were used in building the modern great wall of China make it look as though it is built around somebody’ s private property and not for the purpose of future generations to witness. The art of engineering behind this construction is not fit at all and does not succeeded in communication the Great Wall as a cultural symbol. In Law’s (2002) description of the Portuguese vessels, we are able to see an intriguing construction. Through his description we are able to think of a cultural symbol and object in terms of what the object does in relation to social relativism which is very different from viewing a building from scientific naturalism. The Portuguese vessels would assist in transporting objects, people, enable colonial domination and exploration and at the same time had the ability to find way through non familiar territories and at the same time could be expanded or updated. From a scientific and naturalist view point, a vessel is constructed with a large collection of pieces and smaller bits of other significant vessels that work together to serve the full purpose of functioning within the community.

If certain parts of the vessel or other parts within the material network do not function fully, it is possible that the vessel no longer fulfills the purpose it was developed to fulfill. However, the vessel still has the ability to function even though other parts of its structures are weak with reference to social relativism. Even if the vessel is broken in some way, it can still be able to function just as the builder had intended. This could be likened to a human who would continue living a healthier life even when one of his kidneys is dysfunctional. Looking at the Great Wall of China, the builders had intended it to serve a fundamental purpose of protecting the society from invaders but because of the faultiness in the use of substandard construction material, the building ended up playing other roles like creating employment and acting as transportation routes (UNESCO 2012). Because the Great Wall of China has undergone construction and built again, it ceased to remain the same object that it was intended to be. The modern techniques used in construction, the new construction methods as well as the new tools have changed the shape of the object and the purpose of it (Bogost 2012).

In the 1950s, citizens around the place particularly farmers were incited to bring down the Great Wall and use the bricks from the demolition to build their own houses, build security walls for individual purposes and use the bricks in commercial processes. With the introduction of capitalism, most people begun to develop a belief that tourism would make more money that just having a building with ancient building materials that would not generate revenue. It is the construction in line with modern materials that has posed as the biggest threat to the survival of the Great Wall of China. Poor execution efforts have sanctioned the ability of the wall to serve its main purpose. A similar problem that is linked to the poor execution efforts is tied to the setting up of amusement facilities, restaurants, fast food chains, villas and very crowded parking lots just a stone throw away from the structure making the structure less visible. At the same time, a portion of the wall has been rented out to farmers who ‘reestablished’ the wall by covering it up with cement and later installed a gate that would help collect revenues through charging people some little admission fee (Harman 2012). How would the Great Wall now serve as protection to the people of China if the monument has been turned into an economic site instead of a historical site like it was meant to be?


The Great wall positively impacted Chinese residents since it was developed as a perfect source of protection and this was the main reason why it was built. Without the great stones and sand that were used in the past, QIN, MING and HAN as well as other dynasties could not have been protected (Edmonds 1985). The government of China in being part of the re-establishment would have insisted that the old materials not be thrown away and instead recycled to make a new building that would still the same purpose it was initially developed to. Apart from just developing policies, the government would have ensured full presence of its administration during construction to supervise on the materials and ensure that the new construction is effective. With government intervention, the scenic view from the Great Wall would evidently not be overloaded like it is reported by tourists. The Great Wall is a historic site and modern construction further made it a tourism site and this means that it attracts very many visitors each year not to mention each day.

The problem of overcrowding at the site could be understood from not creating enough space to accommodate visitors. The problem of overcrowding could also be an indication that lack of space might cause future problems for visitors because of accidents in the place. To control or rather solve the problem of overcrowding, the government can appoint officials at the administration gate to allow only a particular number of visitors at a particular time. At the same time, the problem of overcrowding can be fully solved by removing business people and economic procedures that are not certified to be around the area and expand the building so that it can accommodate as many people at one particular point. A fundamental impact from the Great Wall of China is that it has now become one of the most common places universally to tour and visit (Lovell 2006). This is a sign that the Chinese Government should render the surrounding environment fully to the purpose of tourism and businesses should be set up like 100 kilometers from the place to ease the problem of congestion. When businesses and residential areas are brought very close to the business, it increases the chances of destruction. Therefore, businesses those are not qualified as part of tourism within the Great Wall should be pushed away from the vicinity of the Great Wall.

During tourist visits, it has also been reported that the site is turning into a dumping site and a place for littering. To solve the problem of waste dumping and littering, people in charge with administration can come up strict management rules that would act as a form of punishment to anyone found littering during visitations. Because of overcrowding, it might also be difficult to spot specific people who might be practicing the littering habit. For this reason, the management and necessary administration could also place litter cans along the corridors and pavements of the monument so that it might be easy to collect garbage in small litter cans and at the same time making disposal easy. With the overdevelopment by businessmen, the government and relevant tourist administrations could push away businesses that are not needed close to the place and give way for businesses. Tension that comes from numerous businesses within the area would damage the surfaces and other relevant constructions within the area.

The Great Wall evidently was built to improve on the general positioning of the Chinese society. Ever since its construction, the wall has always contributed to the cultural, physical and tourist demands of the Chinese population and understanding the contributions of the Great Wall will first need us to understand the significant trends that made the construction insignificant. Moreover, even in its insignificant state of problems, something can still be done from the side of the government to bring the structure back to its original position.