Healthcare Quality Review

Based on the required reading, write a double-spaced four page summary (not including your reference page) of the state of healthcare quality in the United States. Include in your review how the findings in the 2012 AHRQ report will impact the care you will provide as a nurse practitioner (if applicable) or as someone involved in healthcare delivery (for non-nursing students). Note— In this case, the writing is for a Master of Nursing in Care (Case) Management References Chapters 1-2: Sollecito, w. A., & Johnson, J. K. (2013). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.81545_PPTxx_CH01.pptmView in a new window 81545_PPTxx_CH02.pptmView in a new window Institute of Medicine (1999). Report brief: To err is human: Building a safer health system. Retrieved from Institute of Medicine (2001). Report brief: Crossing the quality chasm: The new health system for the 21st century. Retrieved from Clancy, C. M. (2009). Ten years after To Err is Human. American Journal of Medical Quality, 24(6), 525-528.Ten Years After To Err is Human.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window Docteur, E., & Berenson, R. A. (2009). How does the quality of U. S. health care compare internationally? Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) Since 2003, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has published an annual report entitled the National Healthcare Quality Report. Review the key themes and sections, then browse the rest of this 2012 report – National Healthcare Quality Report 2012 (Links to an external site.)