Topic #1: The draft has been reinstated for men and women and your number is called up. You have two options: You can report for duty or you can go to Canada and avoid the draft. What do you do? Argue why you have chosen that option. * Topic #2: What is a hero? How do others define this concept? How do you define it? Think about some of the characters in the selections you have just read; do they fit the definition of “hero”? How does a hero relate to his or her society? Argue your definition of a hero.

Essay #1

English 305

The guidelines: Choose ONE

Topic #1: The draft has been reinstated for men and women and your number is called up. You have two options: You can report for duty or you can go to Canada and avoid the draft. What do you do? Argue why you have chosen that option.


Topic #2: What is a hero? How do others define this concept? How do you define it?  Think about some of the characters in the selections you have just read; do they fit the definition of “hero”? How does a hero relate to his or her society? Argue your definition of a hero.


Topic #3:  Therapist Judith Wallerstein argues that parents should stick it out and stay married for their children’s sake. Other experts disagree.  Take a stand on Wallerstein’s claim.


Topic #4: What issues with Celebrity do we as a culture face? Are we too focused on being famous, do we place to much importance in what celebrities do or say or sell? What makes someone a celebrity?  Argue your point


The essay needs to be a minimum of 1000 words in length. You can go longer. Use as many sources as you need, but two is a minimum.

In addition to the hard copy, it needs to be submitted via the Turnitin link posted under Assignments.

What I will look for when I grade these:

  1. A clear thesis, appropriate for the length of the paper. You are arguing the claim not analyzing the sources nor arguing what the sources say. Argue what you think, then use the sources as your evidence to clarify and explain your thesis (claim).
  2. Specific topic sentences (subclaims) that help prove the thesis.
  3. Evidence in the form of source material and your own experience.
  4. Proper documentation: Either MLA or APA is fine. But please review the formats.
  5. Use of sources: did you use them? How did you use them?
  6. Works Cited page: You will need one. I will deduct 10 points if you fail to include one.
  7. Organization: I want to see one introductory paragraph, one concluding paragraph and body paragraphs, preferably lead off with the subclaims (topic  sentences). I prefer that you don’t begin body paragraphs with quotes. You do not have to divide the body into opposition and supporting argument. You can do both within each body paragraph if you wish. I find it easier to do it that way than to separate ideas.
  8. Word count: I will deduct points if the word count is under the required minimum.

Late papers: Not accepted. Don’t do it. Don’t ask.