management essay based on case study using 10 specified management theories

You will answer 2 essay questions, (however question will not be known. will need you to write 2 separate essays of 2 pages each. each essay should apply a minimum of 3 theories listed below.please formulate your own questions. please formulate 2 most likely to be tested to answer in the essay and formulate 3 other questions that you don’t need to answer) applying theory to your examination of the case study Question B1 – Apply at least 3 course topics to answering the question Question B2 – Apply at least 3 course topics to answering the question The 10 conepts are: 1) Mintzberg’s managerial roles 2) The big 5 personality model 3) Attribution theory 4) Transaction model of communication 5) The Fiedler model of leadership 6) University of Michigan studies of leadership 7) Rational decision making 8) Decision making biases 9) Recruitment and selection 10) Competitive advantage i have attached notes on the 10 theories but it might not be sufficient. so require u to do some research and apply more on these theories. PLEASE APPLY MOSTLY THEORIES AND ALSO CRITICAL THINKING AND ARGUMENT